Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

FAA head takes heat for lobby job

Sep 13, 2007
Federal Aviation Administration head Marion Blakey is leaving government service to take a job with the Aerospace Industry Association, an industry lobbying group. The move has sparked criticism in Washington. Steve Henn reports.

Chertoff: Private planes a security risk

Sep 11, 2007
Six years after 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security is taking steps to plug what Secretary Michael Chertoff describes as a major gap in the country's defenses -- private planes. Steve Henn reports.

Troop cuts could mean contractor surge

Sep 10, 2007
General David Petraeus told Congress today that he believes the United States can reduce its presence in Iraq to pre-surge levels by next summer. Steve Henn reports that American defense contractors see that as a business opportunity.

Ready to go back in the subprime water?

Aug 27, 2007
The recent problems terrorizing the mortgage market are likely to scare off some investors for some time to come. But sale prices in the aftermath could also lure in bargain hunters. Steve Henn reports.

Braced for more bad housing news

Aug 24, 2007
New home sales numbers for July come out this morning and most analysts expect bad news as problems in the mortgage industry continue to leave builders with fewer and fewer potential home buyers. And the worst is still to come, Steve Henn reports.

Bush backers begin surge of their own

Aug 22, 2007
President Bush's speech today to the VFW is the opening volley in a White House campaign to build support for keeping troops in Iraq. And, as Steve Henn reports, the president will have some well-financed allies backing him up.

Japan, India come together

Aug 22, 2007
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is visiting India with 200 Japanese executives in tow. The motivation behind the high-profile visit: Both countries are looking for economic allies as they warily eye China's rise. Steve Henn explains.

Washington cash flow shifts left

Aug 21, 2007
For the first time in 18 years, Democratic candidates are out-fundraising their GOP counterparts. That means people with a lot of money are betting the Dems will hold onto power, Steve Henn reports.

More eavesdropping power on tap

Aug 6, 2007
A new law gives the White House greater power to eavesdrop U.S. residents communicating with terrorism suspects overseas. But President Bush wanted to give phone companies amnesty for past spying, and Congress didn't hand it over. Steve Henn reports.

Bear hit raises fears of debt crisis

Aug 3, 2007
Wall Street is hoping the subprime mortgage crisis won't spread. But Bear Sterns' debt rating got downrated today, and some economists aren't sure the problem has been contained. Steve Henn reports.