Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

A foreclosure storm on the horizon?

Aug 3, 2007
The announcement that American Home Mortgage will drastically cut operations and lay off 7,000 may be just the beginning of a crisis in the U.S. lending market. Steve Henn reports on how deep the problem goes.

Sports ticket scalping goes digital

Aug 2, 2007
Online ticket reseller StubHub has a new deal with Major League Baseball that give the site exclusive rights to resell tickets in concert with the league. Steve Henn explains why this might make it harder for fans to get reasonably priced seats.

Is StubHub's MLB catch good for fans?

Aug 2, 2007
The eBay ticket-trading service gets an exclusive deal with baseball to re-sell tickets on team Websites. But critics complain about the markup, and the move could block cheaper competitors. Steve Henn reports.

Tough to calm those subprime jitters

Aug 1, 2007
Henry Paulson is saying a feared U.S. credit crisis is "contained" in the subprime mortgage market. But there are signs the issue isn't going away quietly, or quickly enough for investors. Steve Henn reports.

House approves lobbyist reform

Jul 31, 2007
The House overwhelmingly passed a bill today requiring lobbyists to disclose their contributions to charities with ties to members of Congress. But the bill has some contenders as it moves on to the Senate. Steve Henn reports.

More pork in Alaska's scandal

Jul 31, 2007
Alaska's congressional delegation takes a back seat to no one when it comes to bringing home the bacon. The latest allegations implicate Republican Senator Ted Stevens. Steve Henn has details.

FDA not pulling Avandia from shelves

Jul 30, 2007
A panel at the Food and Drug Administration voted not to pull diabetes drug Avandia from the U.S. market, despite a highly-publicized study linking the drug to an increased risk of heart attacks. Steve Henn reports.

Despite strong GDP, another down day

Jul 27, 2007
After yesterday's big sell-off, the day began with news that the gross domestic product was up 3.4%. Good news, right? Well, the Dow gave up another 200 points. Steve Henn explains.

Budget showdown risky for Bush

Jul 27, 2007
The president says he will veto "wasteful" spending plans proposed by Democrats. But the majority party has a lot to gain and President Bush a lot to lose in a government shutdown. Steve Henn reports.

FBI wants funds for phone records

Jul 25, 2007
The FBI has asked Congress for money to pay telecommunications companies to store customer data in case agents decide they need it. Watchdog groups worry about the temptation for an abuse of power. Steve Henn reports.