Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Not so fast, private equity

Jun 15, 2007
It hasn't gone unnoticed by Congress that private equity firms are starting to go public. Or that they pay less than half the tax rate public companies do. So yesterday it introduced a bill to even the playing field. Steve Henn reports.

Congress, Fed tackle sub-prime meltdown

Jun 14, 2007
The sub-prime loan market collapse is tearing apart neighborhoods. But hedge fund managers are worried their insurance policies won't pay out if the federal government intervenes. Steve Henn reports.

Senators target China with trade bill

Jun 13, 2007
U.S. manufacturers have long complained that China depresses the cost of its currency to gain an unfair trade advantage. A bipartisan group of senators wants the administration to do something about that. Steve Henn reports.

President's Dinner a tough sell this year

Jun 13, 2007
The GOP's annual gala used to be a hot ticket, even at $25,000. But with President Bush's job approval ratings at an all-time low, organizers expect to rake in just half of last year's $15-million haul. Steve Henn reports.

Scottie Pippen and Paul Allen are farmers?

Jun 12, 2007
An online report out today tracks billions of dollars in farm subsidies for the past three years. And you might be surprised who got government checks. Steve Henn has the story.

Millionaire justices

Jun 12, 2007
Recently-released financial disclosures show that seven of the nine Supreme Court justices are millionaires. That might be expected, but the ways some of them acquired their wealth isn't. Steve Henn reports.

A big day for business at the Supreme Court

Jun 11, 2007
The Supreme Court released four, unanimous business-related opinions today. There was some bad news for Big Tobacco. And, as Steve Henn reports, it wasn't such a good day for unions either.

China's not the only one with a melamine problem

Jun 8, 2007
The FDA has announced that melamine, the industrial chemical that poisoned pet food, has found its way into shrimp feed made right here in the U.S. Steve Henn reports.

How do you bribe a billionaire?

Jun 7, 2007
Prince Bandar bin Sultan, former Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. and close friend of the Bush family, is facing allegations of taking billions of dollars in kickbacks from a British arms dealer. Steve Henn reports.

Dunkin' Donuts finds holes in immigration program

Jun 6, 2007
The donut chain is suing franchisees across the country for not abiding by a federal pilot program on immigration reform that the company joined last year. Steve Henn reports.