Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Homebuilders storm the Hill

Jun 6, 2007
After enjoying years of unbridled growth, many homebuilders say they're now sinking along with the subprime lending market. So 1,300 of them are in Washington today to ask for help, and they have some unlikely allies, Steve Henn reports.

FCC calls for cell phone locator service

May 31, 2007
One of the top reasons we carry cell phones is to have a lifeline to help in case of emergency. But there are still big holes in the safety net — like 9-1-1 not being able to locate your call — and the FCC wants to fill them. Steve Henn reports.

House finally moves on lobbying reform

May 24, 2007
After sweeping to power last fall and promising to clean up Washington, Democrats on Capitol Hill struggled for months to pass any lobbying reform legislation. Today the House finally took action. Steve Henn reports.

Sarb-Ox revisited again

May 23, 2007
Many small companies have struggled to cover the costs of following the Sarbanes-Oxley accounting rules, but exempting them could encourage the type of accounting fraud the law is intended to fight. Steve Henn reports.

Highly-skilled immigrants still seen as a need

May 21, 2007
The new immigration bill being debated on Capitol Hill would give more weight to aspiring immigrants' education and skills. But many in the business world say it still won't deliver the workers they need. Steve Henn reports.

Immigration reform stuck at the border

May 14, 2007
Lawmakers are scrambling to come up with a compromise on immigration reform before '08 politicking makes that impossible, but the two sides can't agree on which workers to let into the country. Steve Henn reports.

Campaign funding with full disclosure

May 11, 2007
Federal campaign finance laws are complicated. But in Virginia it's simple: Give as much money as you want as many times as you want. The catch? Everybody gets to know. Steve Henn reports.

Energy costs empty wallets

May 11, 2007
It looks more and more like inflation is going to come under control. But with gas prices flirting with record highs, consumers can't catch a break. It seems most of our spending money is going into the tank. Steve Henn has more details.

Potential peril from microwave popcorn

May 10, 2007
A chemical used to manufacture those popular microwaveable bags of popcorn is known to cause lung disease among food workers. There's renewed pressure on the FDA to remove diacetyl from its list of safe chemicals.

Where will the tainted food scandal end?

May 9, 2007
More Americans than ever before are eating from an international table. But revelations about tainted fish food in Canada have some worried that lax oversight of food imports could lead to even bigger problems.