Steve Henn

Latest Stories (639)

Washington quarrels over CEO pay

Apr 19, 2007
The House is set to approve a bill by the end of the week that would give shareholders greater say in CEO pay, but the bill's prospects of becoming law are bleak. It's opposed by the White House and many business groups.

Dems increase interest in student loan changes

Apr 18, 2007
Key Democratic congressional leaders are demanding that the Department of Education make immediate changes to the federal student loan program. Steve Henn reports.

Lenders shut out of student loan database

Apr 18, 2007
The Department of Education shut down its National Student Loan Database late last night, denying thousands of lenders access following reports of unlawful data mining for information about U.S. college students and their families.

Washington does battle over war spending

Apr 18, 2007
Lawmakers are squaring off with the White House over Iraq funding. Congress is expected to set deadlines for U.S. troops to come home when it delivers its supplemental war spending package. Bush has promised a veto.

AARP wants double dose of health insurance

Apr 17, 2007
Private health insurance is getting to be a big business for America's largest senior lobby. AARP today announced an expanded deal with UnitedHealth. The goal: Double insurance sales to the 50+ crowd.

Candidates sprint out of the gates

Apr 16, 2007
Election Day is still 18 months away but already the 18 declared candidates are on a record-setting pace for both raising and spending money — and Democrats are leading the first leg of the campaign finance race.

Inflation appears to be no big deal

Apr 13, 2007
Wall Street let loose a sigh of relief today as the government reported core wholesale prices held steady last month. So, inflation might not be a concern — unless you really like your veggies. Steve Henn reports.

Election '08: Wine & dine indicator

Apr 13, 2007
Presidential campaigns are in full record-breaking money-raising swing. Tomorrow candidates will have to report on how they're using their cash, and one detail that can be a telling indicator of spending style is where they're eating.

Trying to leave 'No Child Left Behind'

Apr 12, 2007
The affluent Fairfax County, Va., school district has a big meeting in Washington tomorrow. It's a last-ditch effort to avoid millions of dollars in fines for not complying with the No Child Left Behind Act. Steve Henn reports.

OMB tracking billions in pork-project earmarks

Apr 6, 2007
The U.S. Office of Management and Budget now has an online database of more than 13,000 congressional earmarks from the 2005 budget — $19 billion worth of pork benefitting some big companies.