Hillary Wicai

Latest Stories (174)

And the Beige Book says . . .

Jul 27, 2006
The Federal Reserve's current report on economic activity shows slowing in half of its 12 regional districts. But it doesn't offer many clues about whether the Fed will raise interest rates next month. Hillary Wicai reports.

Still trying to shatter the glass ceiling

Jul 26, 2006
A new study out today finds the rate of promotion for women to top corporate jobs has slowed. Hillary Wicai reports.

FDA works on transparency

Jul 24, 2006
In the wake of growing conflict-of-interest criticism, the FDA today announced it will spell out how and why it grants waivers to outside experts and allows them to serve as FDA advisers. Hillary Wicai reports.

Louisiana sues feds over oil revenue

Jul 21, 2006
Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco is suing the federal government over oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico. She claims the feds are cutting her state out of royalties it deserves. Hillary Wicai reports.

Who is coming to Lebanon's aid?

Jul 20, 2006
As the battle between Israel and Hezbollah continues, Lebanon faces a growing humanitarian crisis. Hillary Wicai reports that getting aid on the ground will be a tricky thing.

Bernanke's clear message: Inflation's cooling off

Jul 19, 2006
In his semi-annual address to the Senate banking committee, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said just what the markets wanted to hear. Hillary Wicai reports.

Stem cell politics

Jul 17, 2006
The Senate is debating a bill that would allow federal funding of stem cell research. It's expected to pass, but President Bush has threatened to veto any such bill — and money may not be the key issue, Hillary Wicai explains.

No joke . . . Trial lawyers consider name change

Jul 14, 2006
The Association of Trial Lawyers of America is considering changing its name to the American Association for Justice. Hillary Wicai looks at why some argue it's a good idea.

Think you've got a bad boss?

Jul 14, 2006
A new Internet contest allows disgruntled workers to get back at their bosses. Hillary Wicai has the story.

A better summer meals program

Jul 13, 2006
There is such a thing as a free lunch for poor kids in school over the summer, but only about one in five actually eats those meals. A new report suggests the problem isn't money — it's paperwork. Hillary Wicai reports.