Hillary Wicai

Latest Stories (174)

Investigating 9-11 fraud

Jul 13, 2006
House lawmakers continue a hearing today into fraud allegations surrounding the $21.4 billion New York City was given in recovery funds following Sept. 11. Hillary Wicai reports.

Halliburton's (exclusive) gig is up

Jul 12, 2006
Halliburton has been accused for years of bilking the US government with its exclusive contract. And now the Army has decided to end the deal and hand over those services to three companies. Hillary Wicai reports.

'Bank of Wal-Mart' debate continues

Jul 12, 2006
House lawmakers look to close a loophole that could allow Wal-Mart, Home Depot and other retailers to open commercial banks. A hearing on the issue is scheduled today. Hillary Wicai reports.

Can the House win against Internet gambling?

Jul 11, 2006
The House passed a bill today that would prohibit online gambling. Of course, saying it and enforcing it are two different things. But Hillary Wicai explains how this bill tries to choke off the money.

Medicare misinformation

Jul 11, 2006
Government auditors find insurance companies give incorrect information about the new Medicare drug benefit program two-thirds of the time. Hillary Wicai reports.

Congress putting a stop to Internet gambling?

Jul 11, 2006
This morning the House of Representatives starts debating a bill that would declare online gambling illegal. Of course, saying it and enforcing it are two different things. Hillary Wicai reports.

More recruits go Army

Jul 10, 2006
You might think the continued reports of deaths in Iraq would be hurting the Pentagon's recruiting program. But the Army announced today it's above its goal for this year. Hillary Wicai reports.

More money luring Army recruits

Jul 10, 2006
Last year, the Army missed its recruiting goals so badly there was talk of reinstating the draft. But it's expected to announce today that this year is a different story — and money's doing some of the talking. Hillary Wicai reports.

No pre-nup? Try a post-nuptial

Jul 7, 2006
You've heard about a pre-nup. Why not try a post-nup? Hillary Wicai reports on a trend that's helping many couples live happily ever after.

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

Jul 6, 2006
George W. Bush turns 60 today. We asked our own Hillary Wicai to shop for an economic present for him.