Hillary Wicai

Latest Stories (174)

IRS gets soaked

Jun 30, 2006
The Internal Revenue Service is shutting down. But, alas, not for good. Marketplace's Hillary Wicai reports that the East Coast floods have washed out the taxman — but just temporarily.

Tax holiday — for them not us

Jun 30, 2006
Severe flooding in Washington DC has forced the closure of IRS headquarters from a month. But Hillary Wicai says tax cheats shouldn't get cocky.

New welfare work rules

Jun 28, 2006
The Department of Health and Human Services announces new welfare to work rules today. The move may force thousands of people off of welfare rolls. Hillary Wicai reports.

Child poverty grows

Jun 28, 2006
A new study out shows the number of children living in poverty is up 8 percent. Hillary Wicai has more.

High court to consider CO2 case

Jun 26, 2006
The Supreme Court today agreed to hear a case about whether the Bush Administration must regulate carbon dioxide emissions. It could force the issue of global warming. Hillary Wicai reports.

No pre-nup? Try a <i>post</i>-nuptial

Jun 8, 2006
June is the unofficial start of wedding season. One problem that often besets married couples is arguing about money. But there's a new tool to help them get back to happily ever after &mdash; a post-nuptial agreement. Hillary Wicai reports.

Mortgage rates hit four-year high

Jun 2, 2006
Hillary Wicai reports the higher lending fees could trigger procrastinating home-owners to refinance.

Employment figures weaker than expected

Jun 2, 2006
The US unemployment rate hasn't been this low in five years, but wages grew at a slower pace and the hiring rate declined too. Is the economy cooling? Hillary Wicai reports.

Gas industry ready for hurricane season

May 31, 2006
A report out yesterday says US gasoline imports should be able to make up for any supply disruptions that could arise from Gulf Coast hurricanes this year. Hillary Wicai reports.

Safavian trial

May 31, 2006
Two federal ethics officers are expected to testify today at the trial of former Bush administration executive David Safavian, who is charged with lying about his dealings with lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Hillary Wicai reports.