Hillary Wicai

Latest Stories (174)

Another White House shakeup

May 30, 2006
As expected, Treasury Secretary John Snow has resigned. This morning President Bush announced he has nominated Goldman Sachs chairman Henry Paulson to replace Snow. Hillary Wicai has the details.

FDA approves sale of Merck's shingles vaccine

May 26, 2006
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a shingles vaccine for older Americans that was developed by the drug company Merck. Hillary Wicai reports.

Immigration showdown

May 25, 2006
The Senate will likely pass its version of the immigration bill today.And that sets up a battle with the House. The two versions are so different, this could be a long, ugly fight. Hillary Wicai has a preview.

A privatized guest worker program?

May 23, 2006
Republican Congressman Mike Pence of Indiana is floating a proposal to establish a temporary worker program operated by private industry. His plan would require all applicants to leave the country. Hillary Wicai reports.

Why Johnny can't keep US competitive

May 23, 2006
A report out yesterday says 25% of Americans are functionally illiterate because teachers aren't being taught to teach reading. And that's bad news for the US economy. Hillary Wicai reports.

Not a happy deal at Northwest

May 19, 2006
Bankrupt Northwest Airlines' tentative labor agreement with its ground workers could signal smoother skies ahead for the air carrier. But there still may be some grumpy employees on board. Hillary Wicai reports.

Starting to feel the sting of inflation

May 17, 2006
This morning the government released its monthly index of how much things cost, the Consumer Price Index.Should the inflation hawks be nervous? Hillary Wicai reports.

Mom Corps recruiting

May 12, 2006
In honor of Mother's Day this Sunday, Hillary Wicai reports on a job-placement service exclusively for corporate-minded moms looking to work part-time to keep their skills sharp.

Treasury report could get tough with China

May 9, 2006
The Treasury Department is expected to declare tomorrow that China is manipulating its currency. Some businesses are worried the move could end in a trade war. Hillary Wicai reports.

Growth forecast: Average

May 9, 2006
Economists say a slowdown is coming, but considering gas prices and interest rates, things could be a lot worse. Hillary Wicai reports.