Hillary Wicai

Latest Stories (174)

Investing in vaccines

May 4, 2006
Federal health authorities today issued more than a billion dollars worth of contracts to speed the production of vaccines in preparation for a possible avian flu pandemic. Hillary Wicai reports.

Emergency supplemental fight

May 4, 2006
The Senate is expected to approve more than $100 billion in emergency spending today after weeks of debate. But as Hillary Wicai reports, the real fight is just beginning.

Who's paying for bird flu prep?

May 2, 2006
The Bush administration has a plan to deal with a massive bird flu epidemic. But what role should the government play — and what costs should private business bear? Hillary Wicai reports.

Progress in Iraq mixed

May 1, 2006
A new report from finds that thousands of schools, hundreds of police stations and dozens of firehouses have been rebuilt in Iraq. That's the good news. But as is often the case in Iraq, there's some not-so-good news too. Hillary Wicai reports.

$100 rebates! Suspend the gas tax!

Apr 27, 2006
As the public grows more uneasy about rising gasoline prices, Republicans and Democrats are scrambling to out-press conference each other and minimize the political damage. Will it do you any good at the pump? Hillary Wicai reports.

Tax Freedom Day

Apr 26, 2006
For the average American taxpayer, wages earned between the start of the year and today will all go toward paying off his tax bill. This year's Tax Freedom Day falls three days later than last year's. Are we paying more taxes? Hillary Wicai has the answer.

Talent revolt

Apr 25, 2006
A growing number of young professionals say they won't work for companies that don't provide employees flexibility to balance their work and private lives. Hillary Wicai reports.

Tax information security

Mar 24, 2006
A proposed IRS rule change has some consumer advocates worried that US taxpayer information could be sold to the highest bidder. Hillary Wicai reports.

What's on the US credit-card bill?

Mar 17, 2006
Yesterday, the Senate raised the debt ceiling by another $800 billion. So now the United States owes $9 trillion. Hillary Wicai puts this in perspective.

Sweatshops for Uncle Sam

Mar 15, 2006
A report out this week suggests sweatshops are alive and well in the United States. In fact, some of the factories are busy making uniforms for the US military. Hillary Wicai reports.