Hillary Wicai

Latest Stories (174)

Budget battle

Mar 13, 2006
Forget the Democrats, Senate Republicans can't even agree among themselves over how to proceed with the 2007 federal budget, which hits the Senate floor today for debate. Hillary Wicai has more.

Federal telecommuting

Mar 6, 2006
Four out of ten federal workers telecommute at least one day a week. As Hillary Wicai reports, it's part of efforts to make the federal workforce more flexible and more secure.

An incentive for saving

Feb 27, 2006
Hillary Wicai looks at an innovative state program to encourage poor residents to save up for home ownership.

Hunger report

Feb 23, 2006
A report out today says that 25 million Americans use some kind of food assistance, up 8% from 2001. From the Work and Family Desk, Hillary Wicai reports.

Labor's new strategy

Feb 15, 2006
Today, breakaway AFL-CIO members will offer their new strategy for countering the erosion of the union movement. Hillary Wicai reports.

The budget heads to Congress

Feb 6, 2006
In his State of Union address, President Bush said he'd offer a budget that would cut funding for 140 domestic programs. Today, the President sends that budget request to Capitol Hill, but some wonder if it'll even make a dent in the deficit. Hilary Wicai reports.

Hungry little piggy banks

Jan 4, 2006
Personal savings in 2005 dropped to their lowest level since the Great Depression, according to a new report. Hillary Wicai has more.

Take that, you young whippersnappers

Dec 22, 2005
A new report shows that, contrary to popular belief, people over 50 can actually be more productive than younger workers. Hillary Wicai has more.

Fix Social Security first

Dec 14, 2005
A bipartisan think tank today advocates sweeping change to the senior entitlement program. Hillary Wicai reports.

Bridges to Nowhere

Nov 18, 2005
Those infamous Alaskan bridges to sparsely populated areas drew lots of criticism as egregious examples of pork. In response, Congress has pulled the earmarked funds for the bridges. But as Hillary Wicai reports, that doesn't mean taxpayers won't still be paying for them.