Jarrett Dang

Latest Stories (113)

What do nurses have to say about the nursing shortage?

May 16, 2022
"There really is not a staffing shortage per se," said National Nurses United president Deborah Burger. "There's a shortage of nurses willing to put their lives and their license and patients' lives at risk."
"There really is not a staffing shortage per se," said National Nurses United president Deborah Burger. "There's a shortage of nurses willing to put their lives and their license and patients' lives at risk, because of the conditions that our employers are providing."
Cole Burston/AFP via Getty Images

Who is being left out of the conversation when we talk about jobs?

We spoke with Alex Camardelle, director of Workforce Policy at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, for an answer.
"When we look at some of the disaggregated dynamics of the labor market, in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, we recognize that not everybody is doing so well," says Dr. Alex Camardelle of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.
Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images

Pandemic-driven poverty in New York City persists amid recovery, report finds

The report from Robin Hood and Columbia University sheds light on the enduring economic hardship faced by many New Yorkers.
New data from Robin Hood and Columbia University paint a picture of poverty in New York City amid multiple crises.
Brad Barket/Getty Images for Action/2015

Closing costs: Is there a solution to the shortage of homes?

The rapid rise in home prices has provided a windfall for homeowners, but rising interest rates make home-buying increasingly out of reach for renters.
"We absolutely need to be looking under every stone for places that we can add housing ... to allow for greater density," said  Chris Herbert, managing director of the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

How the war in Ukraine is affecting debt troubles for developing countries

Apr 25, 2022
Developing nations see worsening debt challenges due to the war in Ukraine.
Above, a fruit vendor waits for customers in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Higher import prices for foods are putting pressure on the currencies of developing countries, including Sri Lanka.
Ishara S. Kodikara/AFP via Getty Images

How supply chain issues and inflation have started to reshape advertising

Apr 15, 2022
What's the message for brands when the stuff they're selling is either not available or more expensive?
Some brands are shifting away from product-focused advertising as supply chain issues make it harder to get goods.
Getty Images

The pandemic has worsened youth disconnection, exacerbated inequality, report finds

The pandemic increased the proportion of young people who are out of work and out of school, undermining wealth, health and happiness.
"It's really important that we don't let young people who fell through the cracks lose their chance at an education entirely," said Measure of America's Kristen Lewis.
Peter Parks/AFP via Getty Images

Another cure for inflation? Making markets more competitive.

Apr 1, 2022
Companies facing few competitors can hike prices more easily than those in competitive markets.
"I like to say that we're not doing something new, we're doing something that people have done for thousands of years, which is use everything that's grown and not throw it out," says Anna Hammond, founder of Matriark Foods.
Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images

Did the enhanced child tax credit really reduce household poverty?

Early studies find that the enhanced credit reduced childhood poverty and food insufficiency.
"The expanded child tax credit did not have a negative short-term employment effect that offset its documented reductions in poverty and hardship," said Chris Farrell, Marketplace senior economics contributor.
Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for ParentsTogether

Is the "hot hand" phenomenon all in our heads?

From basketball to investing, does success beget success?
From basketball to investing, does success beget success?
Lisa Blumenfeld/Getty Images