Jarrett Dang

Latest Stories (113)

What does the future hold for China's zero-COVID policies?

The protests reflect simmering anger over strict government COVID measures.
Scott Kennedy with the Center for Strategic and International Studies says China is beginning to move away from its strict COVID rules, even if the government won't admit it.
Jennifer Pak/Marketplace

Can Los Angeles repeat its past Olympic success?

Nov 28, 2022
Mayor Eric Garcetti says the city's existing infrastructure and innovative approach will allow the 2028 Games to mirror the financial victories of 1984.
LA Mayor Eric Garcetti (right) with Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo and IOC leader Thomas Bach in 2017. Garcetti says LA's existing infrastructure will help it reduce costs and deliver a surplus during the 2028 Games.
Buda Mendes/Getty Images

How economic uncertainty is affecting the food upcycling business

Matriark makes products like broth from food remnants. Its founder says a recession can make people think more carefully about resources.
"I like to say that we're not doing something new, we're doing something that people have done for thousands of years, which is use everything that's grown and not throw it out," says Anna Hammond, founder of Matriark Foods.
Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images

Why an aging population doesn't spell economic doom

Older people's economic contributions are growing, as well as support costs. Chris Farrell discusses how to strengthen the longevity economy.
Marketplace's Chris Farrell discusses a new report on how policymakers and businesses can maximize the economic benefits of an older workforce.
Mychele Daniau/AFP/Getty Images

Economic malaise tightens some consumers' pocketbooks

Nov 22, 2022
People feeling the effects of a slowing economy may consider cutting spending, says Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary.
Consumers experiencing economic difficulties may cut back on expenses like dining out, says Washington Post personal finance columnist Michelle Singletary.
Jeenah Moon/Getty Images

Inside the "kafala" migrant labor system

The system has come under scrutiny over alleged human rights and labor abuses during the construction preceding the World Cup.
Foreign laborers make up the overwhelming majority of Qatar. The country's "sponsorship" system has come under scrutiny from human rights activists in the leadup to the World Cup.
Ryan Pierse/Getty Images

In this housing market, all-cash deals are king

Private equity firms and other real estate investors are taking advantage of high mortgage rates in low-income neighborhoods, says housing strategist Majora Carter.
Housing strategist Majora Carter says that the trend is especially pronounced in low-income neighborhoods, where private equity firms and other companies use all-cash deals to rapidly snap up housing.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

How a Mississippi nonprofit helps Black entrepreneurs get funded

Nov 16, 2022
Tim Lampkin, CEO of Higher Purpose Co., says his organization serves as an adviser and "capital matchmaker" for business owners.
Higher Purpose Co. Founder and CEO Tim Lampkin (center) with Therapy Plus CEO LeJeune Johnson (left) and BloomTech Developments CEO Melissa Bloom (right).
Courtesy Innovate Mississippi

What's happened so far at the UN's COP27 climate summit?

Nov 15, 2022
The Economist's Vijay Vaitheeswaran says that delegates have discussed issues like reparations and other aid for developing countries.
This year's UN climate summit has brought attention to issues like climate reparations for developing countries, says Vijay Vaitheeswaran, Global Energy and Climate Innovation Editor at The Economist.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

An art critic's perspective on the billion-dollar auction of Paul Allen's collection

Art critic Blake Gopnik comments on the record-setting auction, as well as his own interactions with the late Microsoft co-founder.
FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images