Jed Kim



Jed Kim is the host of Marketplace’s kids podcast Million Bazillion, where he works with the team to make money make more sense. Marketplace is on a mission to raise the economic intelligence of the country— and where better to take on that mission than answering the awkward, uncomfortable, and sometimes surprising questions that kids have about money!

In addition to his work on Million Bazillion, Jed also hosts a podcast about water infrastructure called "In Deep,” and has contributed to three seasons of popular kids podcast “Smash Boom Best.” Also, recently he hosted a radio special titled “Just Eat It” about the environmental challenges of food production and waste. Prior to hosting, Jed was a Marketplace reporter covering sustainability. He has deep roots in public media—before Marketplace he was an environmental reporter for KPCC and before that he was a producer for "The Takeaway" at WNYC.

Jed graduated from Columbia Journalism School and currently resides in Los Angeles.

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Mario Tama/Getty Images

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SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

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Alex Wong/Getty Images

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