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Jeff Horwich



Jeff Horwich is the interim host of Marketplace Morning Report and a sometime-Marketplace reporter. He is the former host of "In The Loop" from Minnesota Public Radio and a former business and economics correspondent for MPR. He is a graduate of Duke University and has a Master's in applied economics from the University of Minnesota.

Latest Stories (451)

PODCAST: BP pays, Europe's back in recession

Nov 15, 2012
BP will pay the largest criminal penalty in U.S. history for its role in the 2010 Gulf oil spill. Europe is back in recession. The wealth gap between the rich and poor continues to grow. A celebrity telethon from an Occupy Wall Street branch is expected to raise money to pay off the debts of ordinary people. And the latest on the fiscal cliff.

Activists launch debt forgiveness campaign

Nov 15, 2012
It's been more than a year since Occupy Wall Street made its debut in New York's Zucotti Park. Tonight a new initiative, 'Rolling Jubilee,' kicks off with an online celebrity telethon.

German economy begins to feel recession pressure

Nov 15, 2012
Europe has officially slipped back into recession. Growth in Germany -- widely considered to have a relatively healthy economy -- has slowed as well.

Icahn wants web video icon Netflix to sell itself

Nov 14, 2012
Investor Carl Icahn, who recently acquired 10 percent of Netflix, is pushing to put the whole company up for sale.

PODCAST: A streetcar donation jar and six bucks for gas

Nov 14, 2012
Signs of big shifts on the way at the Fed and maybe at Netflix. Coming out of the closet in the financial world, more protests in Europe, and whether Kansas City can raise the money for a new streetcar by asking for donations.

Might the Federal Reserve tie policy to employment?

Nov 14, 2012
The number two official at the U.S. Federal Reserve, Vice Chair Janet Yellen, has thrown her weight behind a major change in Fed policy. The issue is how the central bank should schedule its stimulus policies.

Retail sales, prices fall in October

Nov 14, 2012
After three straight months of gains, U.S. retail sales fell in October by about a third of a percent. Retail prices also ticked down in October.

Podcast: Out with the new and in with the old

Nov 13, 2012
Bipartisanship is on everyone's lips, but is it in the cards? The head of Microsoft Windows is packing up his laptop and going home. Rethinking the east coast power grid, post-Sandy.

Exploring the post-Fiscal Cliff world

Nov 13, 2012
With only 16 working days left in the congressional calendar this year, bipartisanship is on everyone's lips, but is it in the cards?

PODCAST: Greece says 'show me the money' and it's not 73 and sunny

Nov 12, 2012
The U.S. is the world's next oil giant. Also, a post-election check in with those swingin' folks we've come to know so well in Loudoun County Virginia. And what Greece and Cuba Gooding Jr. have in common on this Monday.