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Jeff Horwich



Jeff Horwich is the interim host of Marketplace Morning Report and a sometime-Marketplace reporter. He is the former host of "In The Loop" from Minnesota Public Radio and a former business and economics correspondent for MPR. He is a graduate of Duke University and has a Master's in applied economics from the University of Minnesota.

Latest Stories (451)

Grammar deteriorating in the workplace

Jun 22, 2012
The most popular item this week on the Wall Street Journal's web site: a column on our deteriorating grammar at the office.

Dishonesty in the financial world

Jun 22, 2012
From Rajat Gupta to Greek taxpayers, it seems dishonesty is increasingly a problem in the economic world. We hear from psychologist Dan Ariely as to why that is, and what can be done about it.

Industrial waste wells could be leaking underground

Jun 21, 2012
If these wells are leaking, they could contaminate water supplies and disrupt the most important way we dispose of liquid waste.

The price of Olympic uniforms

Jun 21, 2012
The new track and field uniforms for this year's Olympic games were recently unveiled by Nike.

The newest pizza wars

Jun 20, 2012
Big pizza chains like Domino's and Papa John's have banned together in a coalition called The American Pizza Community to stop proposed calorie-labeling regulations.

Are Americans losing faith in the stock market?

Jun 20, 2012
Three hearings in Washington today, all dealing with the idea of trust in the stock markets: Specifically, why ordinary U.S. investors don't have much right now.

Russian ship with helicopters for Syria turns around

Jun 20, 2012
The U.S. and Europe are focused on diplomacy and sanctions to stem violence in Syria -- and perhaps force the current regime from power. One problem is Russia's alleged supply of arms to the government there. But Western diplomats have discovered a vulnerability: every weapons-carrying ship has to carry insurance.

Volkswagen sets out to double U.S. sales

Jun 19, 2012
Volkswagen wants to sell 800,000 cars and trucks a year in the U.S. by 2018. That's an ambitious goal: it's more than twice what German automaker sells here today.

Google releases latest Transparency Report

Jun 19, 2012
Google has released its latest report on what kinds of requests government agencies from around the world put in to remove certain content.

Spain in trouble as borrowing costs rise over 7%

Jun 19, 2012
If yesterday was all about Greece, today belongs to Spain. Concern about Spanish banks has pushed the government's borrowing costs over 7 percent. That's a level that pushed other smaller European countries -- like Greece -- over the edge.