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Jeff Tyler

Reporter, Marketplace


Jeff Tyler is a former reporter for Marketplace’s Los Angeles bureau and reported on issues related to immigration and Latin America.

Tyler began his career at Marketplace producing and editing stories and in 2000 his desire to report allowed him to move to the other side of the microphone becoming a foreign correspondent for the program. Tyler admits that working for Marketplace has given him a crash course in world economics.

His work has taken him from Argentina and Brazil to Indonesia and Pakistan. A California native, Tyler is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. After college, he worked for a travel guide company, writing a guide for Honduras and editing a travel guide for Mexico.

Latest Stories (645)

Euros on the barrel head

Mar 27, 2007
Iran's asking customers to pay for its oil in Euros. Some have already started. Marketplace's Jeff Tyler discusses what it might mean if traders start pulling out the Euros to pay for crude.

Saving more than time

Mar 9, 2007
Don't forget to spring forward this weekend. We're making the switch to Daylight Savings Time three weeks earlier this year, and that could save smart energy consumers some cash.

Police wanted, training optional

Mar 8, 2007
They're armed with guns and badges, but are they trained? Faced with shortages, some local police forces are taking advantage of grace periods that allow new officers to delay academy training — for up to two years in some states.

Police wanted, must disclose financial records

Mar 7, 2007
Some L.A. police are refusing to allow their private financial records to be made public as mandated by a federal decree. It's supposed to weed out corrupt cops, but the police union says it could drive good officers away.

On-screen smoking for adults only?

Feb 12, 2007
Most Americans support an automatic R rating for movies that show actors smoking cigarettes. So says a poll out today. If that happened, it could cost the tobacco industry billions.

New effort to curb gang violence

Feb 8, 2007
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is unveiling a plan to suppress gang activity by targeting the city's worst gangs. Officials are up against more than 40,000 members in 700 gangs.

Combating gangs at high costs

Feb 7, 2007
In Los Angeles, gangs are no longer just an inner-city problem. A summit of police and community leaders is taking a look at the costs to businesses and taxpayers. Jeff Tyler reports.

Online Super Bowl gambling curtailed by new law

Feb 2, 2007
An estimated $8 billion will be wagered illegally on Sunday's Super Bowl. A lot of that money's gone online the past several years. But bets on this year's game could be good for more old-fashioned bookies. Jeff Tyler reports.

Identity theft drops 12 percent

Feb 2, 2007
Stolen identities are on the decline, says a new report. And it turns out that all that online banking is actually helping to keep your information safe. Jeff Tyler reports.

Senate considers paid time off

Feb 1, 2007
One small problem with the Family and Medical Leave Act: Many workers can't afford to actually take the unpaid leave. A new proposal would give workers six weeks off with paid leave in medical emergencies. Jeff Tyler reports.