Jeff Tyler

Reporter, Marketplace


Jeff Tyler is a former reporter for Marketplace’s Los Angeles bureau and reported on issues related to immigration and Latin America.

Tyler began his career at Marketplace producing and editing stories and in 2000 his desire to report allowed him to move to the other side of the microphone becoming a foreign correspondent for the program. Tyler admits that working for Marketplace has given him a crash course in world economics.

His work has taken him from Argentina and Brazil to Indonesia and Pakistan. A California native, Tyler is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. After college, he worked for a travel guide company, writing a guide for Honduras and editing a travel guide for Mexico.

Latest Stories (645)

Investing in Iraq's oil

Dec 7, 2006
Years of sabotage, corruption and neglect have left Iraq's oil industry struggling. Some analysts estimate it needs $20 billion in new investment to get back on track. Jeff Tyler reports.

Retail looks for a late comeback

Dec 6, 2006
This holiday shopping season has gotten off to a slow start, but some analysts say retailers shouldn't count the consumer out just yet. After all, the calendar's on their side. Jeff Tyler explains.

Forecast: Bankruptcy

Dec 5, 2006
A new report suggests we'll see an increase in the number of companies going under in 2007. Jeff Tyler has details on which industries are likely to be hardest hit.

Private spooks for hire

Nov 17, 2006
U.S. intelligence agencies are having a hard time grooming enough agents and analysts to cover their post-9/11 needs. So, they're relying more on private contractors. Jeff Tyler reports.

YouTube to go?

Nov 7, 2006
Verizon is negotiating to deliver videos from the popular YouTube site directly to your cell phone. Jeff Tyler reports.

Google takes advertising offline

Nov 6, 2006
Could Google actually rescue the struggling newspaper industry? The search giant is testing a new service that would put its online advertisers in print. Jeff Tyler reports.

Google takes advertising offline

Nov 6, 2006
Search giant Google is testing a new service that would connect its online advertisers with traditional newspapers. Jeff Tyler reports.

Wages up, productivity flat

Nov 2, 2006
The news today from the Labor Department grabbed Wall Street's attention. The numbers suggest companies may need to hire more employees and pay them more. What's it mean for the economy? Jeff Tyler reports.

Happy holidays for retail sales?

Nov 2, 2006
Retail sales figures for October are due out today, and they're expected to be up. Jeff Tyler looks at what the news might mean heading into the holiday home stretch.

Skeptical of OPEC?

Nov 1, 2006
The oil cartel is expected today to implement its pledge to cut production in an attempt to boost falling crude prices. But as Jeff Tyler reports, the market isn't so sure OPEC will walk the talk.