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Jennifer Collins

Reporter, Marketplace


Jennifer Collins is a former reporter for the Marketplace portfolio of programs. Based in Los Angeles, she covered media, retail, the entertainment industry and the West Coast.

Collins joined Marketplace in 2007 as an assistant producer and spent an additional two-and-a-half years directing and producing Marketplace Morning Report.

Collins likes the challenge of preparing for an interview, the thrill of a good conversation and the pleasure of learning something new every day. Prior to Marketplace, Collins reported for newspapers in Oregon, Alabama and Cambodia.

Collins received her bachelor’s degree from Western Washington University and attended Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, receiving honors in radio. She speaks some Spanish, French, Khmer and Arabic.

A native of Samish Island, Washington, (where Collins drove a farming combine for three summers in high school, harvesting peas) she currently lives in Los Angeles where she can be found scrambling up hillsides and running through the streets, as well as showing movies in her backyard for her neighbors in Hollywood.

Latest Stories (316)

Charities using more social media to raise funds

Jan 1, 2011
More and more people are using plastic, which makes it hard to donate to the Salvation Army folks with the red kettles. So the Salvation Army -- along with other nonprofits -- are using social media to collect donations.

Can Oprah carry her audience to a cable network?

Dec 28, 2010
It seems that everything Oprah turns to gold. But there's some skepticism that she may fail with her latest venture: Her own TV network.

Charities see an increase in online giving

Dec 28, 2010
The two biggest days of the year for charitable donations are the last two days of the year. But in 2010, estimates are charity donations will be down ten percent. But this drop isn't in online giving.

Retailers try to reduce returns

Dec 27, 2010
Gifts, enjoyable as they are, are a little risky: You may not get what you want. And sometimes, keep getting what you don't want every Christmas or birthday. Some retailers are trying to curb the number of disappointed gift returns.

Airlines are taking out the middlemen in ticket sales

Dec 22, 2010
American Airlines pulled out from Orbitz, the airline tickets deals website, and other airlines are following suit and pulling out of similar sites too. This may affect how travelers buy their passes.

Why retailers might be out-of-stock of your gift

Dec 21, 2010
Searching for that last-minute gift? You might find those store shelves empty. Retailers, in anticipation of low shopping numbers, ordered less stock this year, just to play it safe.

Yahoo struggling to compete

Dec 17, 2010
Yahoo announced earlier this week that it would have to lay off 600 employees. Now the company may also need to cut its other Internet properties as well. Jennifer Collins reports on Yahoo's troubles.

Larry King, the host and product pitchman

Dec 17, 2010
Larry King is set to host his last episode of Larry King Live tonight. He'll go down in TV history for being a memorable host, but what he made his name in was product pitchman. Jennifer Collins reports.

Super Bowl ads sell out may mean more confident companies

Dec 16, 2010
After slow sales for ad spots in past Super Bowls, companies are back with the vengeance. Ad spots have been sold out for months. Marketplace's Jennifer Collins reports.

This year's movies kept viewers guessing

Dec 15, 2010
Hollywood's awards season is about to start. Looking back on this year's film, one trend sticks out: the questioning of facts -- even in documentaries. And it seems like filmgoers liked it.