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Joel Rose

Latest Stories (66)

PA shale drilling clouds local tap water

Feb 4, 2010
Underground shale drilling in northern Pennsylvania is causing a stir amongst environmentalists, who say thousands of new gas wells could pose serious threats to drinking water. Joel Rose reports.

Pennsylvanians gamble closer to home

Jan 19, 2010
Gambling hub Atlantic City is taking a hit as tri-state area residents gravitate towards casinos opening up close by. But what local casinos pull in as more revenue, they lose in productivity and law enforcement costs. Joel Rose reports.

PA governor: Pass gambling or lose jobs

Jan 6, 2010
Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell is strongly advocating a law to legalize table games in the state, and has threatened to lay off 1,000 state employees unless it passes by Friday. Joel Rose reports how the move would help the state budget.

Dredging up conflict on Delaware River

Dec 22, 2009
Environmentalists are fighting those who want to deepen the Delaware River, siting the release of harmful toxins into the water. But Philadelphia port authority officials say the move is necessary to stay competitive. Joel Rose reports.

Debate looms over Gitmo in Illinois

Dec 1, 2009
Federal officials have their eye on the Thomson Correctional Center in northwest Illinois as a new home for Guantanamo Bay detainees. Supporters laud the new jobs the move could create, while opponents fear for locals' safety. Joel Rose reports.

Benefits, costs weigh on proton therapy

Nov 30, 2009
Proton therapy is a type of radiation used to treat cancer. And it gets at one of the thorniest questions about the health-care overhaul: How do you balance innovation and cost control? Joel Rose reports.

Food pantry lets hungry be selective

Nov 26, 2009
A food pantry in Philadelphia has found a new way to distribute its goods to the hungry. Designed like a 7-11, clients can walk through the store with a grocery cart and accumulate whatever will fit in the basket. Joel Rose reports.

Online price wars hurt small business

Nov 25, 2009
Amazon and Wal-Mart are competing for their share of the e-commerce market by out-dealing each other. Will big retailers' low pricing of major brands put smaller retailers out of business? Joel Rose reports.

Chinese drywall linked to health issues

Nov 23, 2009
An investigation into Chinese drywall finds that chemicals in the product could have led to a numbers of health issues. Homeowners affected by the drywall may be able to claim a write-off on their income taxes. Joel Rose reports.

Auditor general looks to ban swaps

Nov 19, 2009
Interest-rate swaps are supposed to provide a hedge against big changes in interest rates. But as they've gone sour, regulators are taking a closer look at these exotic products. Joel Rose reports.