John Dimsdale

Washington, D.C. Bureau Chief, Marketplace


John Dimsdale has spent almost 40 years in radio. As the former head of Marketplace’s Washington, D.C., bureau, he provided insightful commentary on the intersection of government and money for the entire Marketplace portfolio.

As Dimsdale notes, “Sooner or later, every story in the world comes through Washington,” and reporting on those issues is like “… going to school with all the best professors and then reporting to listeners what I found out at the end of the day … Can you believe they pay me to do that?”

Dimsdale began working for Marketplace in 1990, when he opened the D.C. bureau. The next day, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, triggering the first Gulf War, and Dimsdale has been busy ever since.

In his 20 years at Marketplace, Dimsdale has reported on two wars, the dot-com boom, the housing bust, healthcare reform and the greening of energy. His interviews with four U.S. Presidents, four Hall-of-Famers, broadcast journalist Walter Cronkite, computer scientist Sergey Brin, U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson and former U.S. Vice President Hubert Humphrey stand out as favorites. Some of his greatest contributions include a series on government land-use policies and later, a series on the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste disposal site.

Before joining Marketplace, Dimsdale worked at NPR, the Pennsylvania Public Television Network, Post-Newsweek Stations and Independent Network News.

A native of Washington, D.C., and the son of a federal government employee, Dimsdale has been passionate about public policy since the Vietnam War. He holds a bachelor’s degree in International Studies from Washington College in Chestertown, Md., and a master’s degree in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Missouri in Columbia, Mo.

Dimsdale and his wife, Claire, live in the suburb of Silver Spring, Md., and when not working, he enjoys traveling, carpentry, photography, videography, swimming and home brewing.

Latest Stories (983)

Foreign investors pulling out of U.S.

Feb 29, 2008
Overseas capital is increasingly headed elsewhere as the U.S. dollar continues to fall. Future credit will be more expensive, and Americans will have to increasingly rely on their savings. John Dimsdale reports.

EPA denying stricter CO2 limits

Feb 29, 2008
California and 14 other states want tighter limits on greenhouse gas emissions from cars. But the EPA says it will deny the bid for stricter regulations. John Dimsdale reports it could have to do pressure from the auto industry.

Where's the beef . . . from?

Feb 28, 2008
In response to the recent U.S. beef recall, consumer groups want the Department of Agriculture to release more information down the distribution line. John Dimsdale reports some say that could cause more confusion.

U.S. wants sovereign wealth openness

Feb 26, 2008
The United States has joined the European Union in pushing for more transparency and accountability in sovereign wealth funds, which manage state savings for the purposes of investment. John Dimsdale reports on what the U.S. and E.U. are concerned about.

Judges play with mortgage payments

Feb 26, 2008
The Senate could vote on a bill that would let bankruptcy judges reset the terms of mortgages to keep stave off foreclosing. But some analysts worry this could cut the value for homeowners. John Dimsdale reports.

Europeans take on tax shelter

Feb 25, 2008
Bank secrecy laws have helped make the European principality of Liechtenstein a tax haven. Now a secret list of account holders at a Lichtenstein bank has been sold to authorities in Germany and Britain. John Dimsdale reports.

Splitting mortgage loans to spread risk

Feb 22, 2008
A government regulator of mortgage lenders is putting together a refinancing option to help avoid foreclosures. John Dimsdale reports how the government hopes it will help and how the plan might benefit homeowners.

High prices spread throughout economy

Feb 20, 2008
This month's inflation statistics show that, along with higher food and energy costs, consumer prices have risen all across the economy. John Dimsdale reports on why the price hikes are so widespread.

Amtrak gets serious about security

Feb 19, 2008
Amtrak announced it is ramping up security to keep passengers safe. But some fear the move will cause train travel to get bogged down with airport-like delays. John Dimsdale reports.

Today's lunch special: recalled beef

Feb 18, 2008
Westland Meat Company is recalling 147 million pounds of beef -- the biggest beef recall in U.S. history -- much of which was to go to school lunch programs. John Dimsdale reports on how the recall will affect future demand.