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Kai Ryssdal

Host and Senior Editor


Kai is the host and senior editor of “Marketplace,” the most widely heard program on business and the economy — radio or television, commercial or public broadcasting — in the country. Kai speaks regularly with CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, startup entrepreneurs, small-business owners and everyday participants in the American and global economies. Before his career in broadcasting, Kai served in the United States Navy and United States Foreign Service. He’s a graduate of Emory University and Georgetown University. Kai lives in Los Angeles with his wife and four children.

Latest Stories (5,820)

Sarbanes-Oxley may be only part of the problem

Apr 24, 2007
Congress' attempt to fix corporate misbehavior is now blamed for driving business out of U.S. markets. But Benn Steil of the Council on Foreign Relations tells Kai Ryssdal that's not entirely true.

Yeltsin started economy in new direction

Apr 23, 2007
Russia is still adapting to market economy changes Boris Yeltsin introduced. The former Soviet leader died today at 76. Professor Rajan Menon talked with Kai Ryssdal about Yeltsin's legacy.

Week on Wall Street

Apr 20, 2007
Stockbroker and business analyst David Johnson discusses with host Kai Ryssdal what happened on Wall Street this week and what may lie ahead.

Nigeria's election may move a continent

Apr 20, 2007
Nigeria is Africa's most populous nation and biggest oil producer. So its presidential election this weekend will have an impact throughout the continent. Kai Ryssdal talks about it with Africa expert Michael Watts.

Week on Wall Street

Apr 13, 2007
Stockbroker and business analyst David Johnson discusses with host Kai Ryssdal what happened on Wall Street this week and what may lie ahead.

There's green in going green

Apr 13, 2007
New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman thinks environmentalism needs a makeover — and it can be good for American business. He talks with Kai Ryssdal.

Our very own vending-machine price index

Apr 12, 2007
Here are the latest economic indicators from our office vending machine: corn chips, up 10%; soda, up a dime; tiny donuts, up 30 cents! So we called economist Dan Basse to find out what's going on.

We may be taking some hits from free trade

Apr 11, 2007
Electronics and India are forcing economists to rethink some of their assumptions about free trade. One of them, Alan Blinder, talked with Kai Ryssdal about the impact on jobs and the U.S. economy.

U.S. troops to be away from home longer

Apr 11, 2007
Defense Secretary Robert Gates today extended the deployments of U.s. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Kai Ryssdal talked with national security expert Gordon Adams about the change.

If it looks like a cartel and acts like a <nobr>cartel . . .</nobr>

Apr 9, 2007
The world's largest natural gas exporters are considering working more closely together to set prices. Vijay Vaitheeswaran, correspondent for The Economist, discusses potential impacts with Kai Ryssdal.