Kimberly Adams



Kimberly Adams is Marketplace’s senior Washington correspondent and the co-host of the Marketplace podcast, “Make Me Smart.” She regularly hosts other Marketplace programs, and reports from the nation’s capital on the way politics, technology, and economics show up in our everyday lives. Her reporting focuses on empowering listeners with the tools they need to more deeply engage with society and our democracy.

Adams is also the host and editor of APM’s "Call to Mind", a series of programs airing on public radio stations nationwide aimed at changing the national conversation about mental health.

Previously, Kimberly was a foreign correspondent based in Cairo, Egypt, reporting on the political, social, and economic upheaval following the Arab Spring for news organizations around the world. She has received awards for her work from the National Press Club, the National Association of Black Journalists, the Religion Communicators Council, and the Association for Women in Communication.

Latest Stories (859)

Facebook takes on Craigslist

Oct 3, 2016
Facebook is rolling out a new "Marketplace" feature in four countries.

Trump challenges Clinton on trade in first debate

Sep 27, 2016
Clinton defended changing her position on TPP, and her record on other trade deals.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at their first presidential debate this election cycle.

Pool/Getty Images

ITT Tech, Corinthian accreditor loses authority

Sep 26, 2016
The Department of Education strips authority to accredit for-profit schools.
Corinthian Colleges had owned the Everest College system.
DanielPenfield/Wikimedia Commons

The ads you see during the debate may be just for you

Sep 23, 2016
Targeted ads are playing a big role for political campaigns as they prepare for Monday's debate.
A person looks at their cell phone as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the NAACP National Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Should banks get an early peek at stress tests?

Sep 15, 2016
A new report argues the process for developing the tests should be more open.

Median incomes are up, but is the economy improving?

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The latest numbers from the Census Bureau show fewer Americans are living in poverty.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Census Bureau to release new poverty numbers

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The agency will release rates of poverty and health insurance coverage for 2015.
A homeless woman waits in line to receive groceries and clothing in the skid row section of Los Angeles, California.
Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

Sanders supporters shift votes, but not cash

Sep 12, 2016
Courting political donations is about more than money, it's also about turnout.
A man holds up a sign at the California primary election night rally for Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders in Santa Monica, California. Many Sanders supporters have answered the Senator’s call and say they will vote for Clinton, but that support may not translate to donations.



David McNew/Getty Images

Kroger tries to push more consumers to 'cage-free'

Sep 9, 2016
The company announced a new line of 'more affordable' eggs ahead of its earnings.

Mother (now Saint) Teresa was a terrible patient

Sep 5, 2016
Even saints need support staff. Reflections by one of Mother Teresa's doctors.
Dr. Patricia Aubanel Riedel was one of Mother Teresa's doctors during the last years of her life and now works at hospital that bears her name. 
Kimberly Adams/Marketplace