Kimberly Adams



Kimberly Adams is Marketplace’s senior Washington correspondent and the co-host of the Marketplace podcast, “Make Me Smart.” She regularly hosts other Marketplace programs, and reports from the nation’s capital on the way politics, technology, and economics show up in our everyday lives. Her reporting focuses on empowering listeners with the tools they need to more deeply engage with society and our democracy.

Adams is also the host and editor of APM’s "Call to Mind", a series of programs airing on public radio stations nationwide aimed at changing the national conversation about mental health.

Previously, Kimberly was a foreign correspondent based in Cairo, Egypt, reporting on the political, social, and economic upheaval following the Arab Spring for news organizations around the world. She has received awards for her work from the National Press Club, the National Association of Black Journalists, the Religion Communicators Council, and the Association for Women in Communication.

Latest Stories (859)

Goosebumps and tears on Hillary Clinton's big night

Delegates talk about their impressions of the Democratic National Convention's final night.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton acknowledges the crowd at the end of the Democratic National Convention.
Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images

An evening of seersucker and 'malarkey'

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden spoke on day three of the Democratic National Convention.
U.S. President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton wave to the crowd on the third day of the DNC in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 
Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images

Third time was the charm

Bill Clinton didn't exactly talk at length about the economy or policy during his Tuesday night speech at the DNC.
Bill Clinton speaks on Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The trade lines that divide us

Democrats hope to shore up support from anti-trade voters.
Delegates show their opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership during Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The duct tape economy

How do cracks in the Democratic Party compare to the GOP's?
Anthony Lagos, a Philadelphia resident, says the economy is broken.
Kimberly Adams/Marketplace

At the RNC, Hispanic Chamber endorses Clinton

Jul 20, 2016
The group's president says the Trump campaign is becoming “frankly scary."
The U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce's decision to endorse a presidential candidate is an unusual move.
Ethan Miller/Getty Images

What Clinton really needs from the Sanders endorsement

Jul 12, 2016
Bernie's supporters are just the demographic Clinton needs.
Bernie Sanders introduces presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at Portsmouth High School July 12, 2016 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Sanders endorsed Clinton for president of the United States.
Darren McCollester/Getty Images

Smartphones play crucial role for Black Lives Matter

Jul 11, 2016
For activists, a phone can be both a tool and a symbol.
Erica England uses her smartphone to take pictures of protesters outside the White House.
Kimberly Adams/Marketplace

Migrant families continue to risk the trek north to US

Jul 11, 2016
After a drop in 2015, more families and kids are illegally crossing the border.
Since Nemesis Aparicio does not speak English, volunteers at the bus station gave her a sign to ask people along her journey to help her make the right bus transfers.
Kimberly Adams/Marketplace

Election money starts to flow down the ballot

Jul 8, 2016
Democrats and the GOP are ramping up for congressional fights all over the country.
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump arrives at the Republican National Committee's headquarters for a meeting with House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and House Republicans on Thursday in Washington, D.C. Trump could help unify a strategy for some Democrats.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images