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Lauren Silverman

Latest Stories (37)

A peek inside Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind is also a glimpse at manufacturing in America

Dec 29, 2017
Nonprofit Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind is helping to create local manufacturing jobs while providing work for the visually impaired.
Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind CEO Hugh McElroy is positioning the organization to take on new manufacturing jobs.
Lauren Silverman/ for Marketplace

What would our health care system look like if doctors spoke the same language as engineers?

Dec 11, 2017
Texas A&M University will start training doctors and nurses to also be engineers.
Physician-engineer Roderic Pettigrew will be the first CEO of Texas A&M's new Engineering Health initiative.
Sam Craft, courtesy of Texas A&M Health Science Center

After losing out on a headquarters bid over a decade ago, Dallas created a thriving downtown to woo corporations

Oct 24, 2017
Boeing’s rejection of Dallas as a corporate headquarters location 16 years ago helped spur the city's current growth in the arts.
Development of the Dallas Arts District was spurred in part by the city's failed bid to get Boeing to locate its headquarters in the city. The district now draws more than 1.5 million  visitors a year. 
Photo courtesy of Jerome Weeks, KERA News

Legal marijuana creates an industry for new breathalyzers

Oct 24, 2017
A number of companies are trying to develop tests that can be used by law enforcement to determine if drivers are impaired.
David McNew / Getty Images

Stopping ICU delirium by getting patients moving

May 2, 2017
Doctor says the treatment plan makes a 'massive difference' to those in critical care.
Nurse Kim My, left, and physical therapist Cara Tabor in Parkland's Surgical Intensive Care Unit.
Lauren Silverman

Using bitcoin's technology to wrangle widespread medical records

Mar 10, 2017
Blockchain's 'disruptive' potential excites the health care industry.
The digital database system blockchain could offer a more comprehensive and safer approach to how doctors access patient medical records. Above, a doctor prepares a prescription on a computer.
Adam Berry/Getty Images

Ambulance service in Texas now delivering home care

Feb 16, 2017
In Fort Worth, some paramedics are taking their time with patients instead of rushing them to ERs.
MedStar still has a fleet of traditional ambulances, but community paramedics drive sedans for home visits.
Lauren Silverman

Of the 100 top-paid CEOs in Dallas Ft Worth, one is a woman

Aug 31, 2016
Former MoneyGram International CEO Pam Patsley wants other women to join her.
Pam Patsley served as CEO of MoneyGram International for six years. She was the only woman on a recent survey of the top-paid 100 public company CEO's in the Dallas area.
MoneyGram International

Hospitals partner with start-ups to chart medicine’s future

Aug 4, 2016
Some families love the new tech, but consumer watchdogs worry.
Riley Kinman, 5, with her parents Nicole and Terry at Children’s Medical Center Dallas. She'll be using new sensor-enabled pills to remotely monitor her medication after a kidney transplant.
Courtesy: Children's Health, Dallas

Hospitals use mobile clinics to increase access

May 12, 2016
These clinics reduce emergency department visits and save money.
Parkland’s Homeless Outreach Medical Services Program in Dallas has grown to serve 9,000 people a year.
Lauren Silverman/KERA