Lizzie O'Leary

Latest Stories (333)

Local Money: Where do you place the 'rehab capital of the world?'

Feb 26, 2016
South Florida is known for its nice weather, beaches, and increasingly, its rehab centers.
Delray Beach, Florida
Wikimedia/Creative Commons

Nike's Phil Knight funds scholarships at Stanford

Feb 24, 2016
Scholarships at Stanford, U.S.-Mexico economic talks, and the state of South Carolina.

Local Money: Austin battles with Uber and Lyft

Feb 19, 2016
The city wants tighter rules for ride-sharing companies, like fingerprint checks.
Uber and Lyft say that their companies' safety regulations are just as good as the ones Austin wants to impose.
David Ramos / Stringer

A pregnant woman in Brazil shares her experience

Feb 12, 2016
Eleonora de Melo is living in Brazil in the midst of the Zika ourbreak

Local Money: Alaska's LNG Project

Jan 8, 2016
Alaska's LNG Project could cost $65 billion — if it breaks ground.
A liquefied natural gas facility in Alaska.
USCG Press/flickr/Creative Commons

Local Money: Universities look to expand

Dec 18, 2015
Like many other universities, Vanderbilt University is looking to grow.

Youth in Paris projects talk about finding their place

Dec 11, 2015
Teens try to figure out their place in the wake of last month's terrorist attacks.

Local Money: West Jefferson's unexpected traffic plan

Dec 10, 2015
How one city solved its traffic jam by making it harder to drive.

Local Money: Gloversville Library hopes to rebound

Nov 23, 2015
Gloversville Library, once the center of a prosperous town, has fallen on hard times.

Local Money: Google moves into Boulder, Colorado

Nov 13, 2015
Google's expanding its Boulder, Colorado campus, but some residents are worried about the effects on housing costs.