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Lizzie O'Leary

Latest Stories (333)

It's my birthday and you got me... a retirement account?

Sep 20, 2013
Is gifting a retirement account a good idea? Not always, says CBS News business analyst Jill Schlesinger, who answers listeners questions about retirement this week.

Talking about how to pay for college

Sep 20, 2013
It's a conversation that not all families have: How to pay for college. One high school junior and her mother discuss what they talked about.

How to negotiate your health care bills

Sep 13, 2013
A few options if you find yourself on the bad end of a medical emergency with no way to pay for it.

How race can impact your health care

Sep 13, 2013
Subconscious racial biases can come into play when it comes to health coverage.

The pain of paying for health care in the U.S.

Sep 13, 2013
Americans pay more for health care than in many other developed nations. A look at what the high cost of colonoscopies revealed about our health care system.

The cost of caregiving

Sep 13, 2013
Taking care of an ailing loved one is difficult emotionally, physically and financially. One caregiver shares her story.

Employer health plans get the 401(k) treatment

Sep 13, 2013
Some big companies are toying with making the switch from offering traditional health plans to giving workers money to shop for their own health coverage on private exchanges. What does this mean for the cost of your medical insurance?

Handling end-of-life health care

Sep 13, 2013
In the last two years of life, health care costs can soar. In fact, the last two year eat up more than a quarter of Medicare's spending. What can you do to prepare?

Affordable Care Act opens up possibilities for uninsured

Sep 13, 2013
One retiree shares his story about how he's been living without insurance for a year.

Mr. Money Mustache: An inspiration for wannabe retirees

Sep 6, 2013
The blog 'Mr. Money Mustache' is about the experience of one man who saved enough to retire at age 30. And he says you can do it, too.