Marielle Segarra

Senior Reporter


Marielle Segarra is a former reporter for Marketplace. She covers taxes and consumer psychology. She covered retail, consumer psychology and the economy. One topic she enjoyed exploring: how we shop – and the emotions that come up as we do. Pride. Guilt. Frustration. She also followed small businesses as they find their way in the pandemic and is always trying to show people how the ins and outs of the economy are relevant to their lives.

What was your first job?

Summer camp counselor to a bunch of 5-year-olds.

In your next life, what would your career be?

I think I would still want to create things. Maybe I'd be a chef. Or an interior designer. Or I'd write for a TV show.

Fill in the blank: Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ______.

Financial stability, which is a good start.

What’s the favorite item in your workspace and why?

My stash of chocolate.

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Are fulfillment center jobs a good fit for laid-off retail workers?

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Workers pack and ship customer orders at the 750,000-square-foot Amazon fulfillment center in August in Romeoville, Illinois.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

It's getting a lot more lucrative to become a pilot

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Zack Tusing, 19, is working on his pilot's license. He's hoping to get hired by an airline by the time he's 21.
Marielle Segarra/Marketplace

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Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Here’s why a one-year phase-in of the corporate tax cut could be a big deal

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Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

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(Marielle Segarra/Marketplace)

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has business connections to Russian president's family

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Win McNamee/Getty Images

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Justin Sullivan/Getty Images