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How one bookseller arrived at its next chapter

Nov 3, 2021
The co-owners of “A Good Used Book” in Los Angeles, California, are back in their retail space and looking ahead to the future.
This summer, Jenny Yang and Chris Capizzi, co-owners of A Good Used Book, began selling books in-person again after pivoting to online sales during pandemic lockdown.
TTStock via Getty Images

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld dies at 88

Listen to our 2013 interview, in which Rumsfeld told us about his "Rules" and reflected on the invasion of Iraq.
Former Defense Secretary Donald, seen here at a press conference in 2005.
Shaun Heasley/Getty Images

3 Federal Reserve leaders discuss the need for diversity among economists

May 31, 2021
An excerpt from a Federal Reserve conference series about race and the economy focused on diversifying the profession itself.
"We want to be top form, and to do that, we have to be diverse. We have to be inclusive," said Loretta J. Mester, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

What tax questions do you have this year?

Mar 19, 2021
COVID-19 made filing more complicated. We're here to help answer your questions.
Soulmemoria/Getty Images

A year later, Marketplace reflects on life and work during the pandemic

Mar 15, 2021
We’ve all had to improvise to maintain our connections with colleagues, our sources and other human beings.
Collage by Katherine Wiles/Marketplace

Tell us how you shop

Jan 26, 2021
From online to in-store, an exploration of what we buy, why and how.
Joel Saget/AFP via Getty Images

Biden: Yellen needs a “Hamilton” musical. Dessa: Here you go.

Jan 21, 2021
We asked indie rapper and "Hamilton Mixtape" contributor Dessa to write a song about the first woman poised to be treasury secretary. Listen here.
"She’s 5-foot nothing, but hand to God, she can pop a collar, she can rock a power bob."
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

What role can the Fed play in building a more inclusive economy?

Oct 13, 2020
The Federal Reserve is holding a series of events aimed at understanding structural racism in the U.S. economy and actions to address it.
Top Federal Reserve officials said Wednesday that they have a role to play in dismantling structural racism in the economy.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Voter suppression, then and now

Sep 18, 2020
From poll taxes and literacy tests to strict voter ID laws and consolidating polling places.
Protestors demonstrate outside the White House in 1965.
Warren Leffler/ Library of Congress collection