Matt Berger

Latest Stories (224)

Buy electric vehicles

Nov 27, 2010
It's cool that cars can burn clean solar or wind power instead of dirty fossil fuels. And they are super fun!...

Stop using single-use plastics

Nov 27, 2010
Plastics pose a significant threat to our oceans and planet. Part of the problem is plastic itself. They very qualities that make it an adaptable...

Keep track of your energy use with a home energy monitor

Nov 27, 2010
Building your own power monitor isn't too tough and can save money and electricity. Phil Torrone and Limor Fried wanted to measure their household...

Eat less meat

Nov 27, 2010
Animal feed uses up most of the grain produced in the country, and not very efficiently. All that grain protein could feed people, instead! Meat...

Sparkle longer with LED Holiday Lights

Nov 27, 2010
Consider using LED (light-emitting diode) holiday lights in place of incandescent lights to decorate homes and Christmas trees. Longer lasting L...

Cook efficiently

Nov 27, 2010
For meals, serve organic and locally grown foods as often as possible. Do not preheat your oven. It wastes significant amounts of energy. Instead,...

Do a home energy audit

Nov 27, 2010
A home energy audit is the first step in figuring out how you can reduce your energy consumption and your energy bills. Sure, it sounds a little...

Don't blindly trust food-use expiration dates

Nov 27, 2010
There's a fair amount of caution built into expiration dates. Food makers must account for close to the worst-case-scenario when setting those...

Plant an ocean-friendly garden

Nov 27, 2010
Runoff from residential landscapes affects the quality of our oceans. The sediment in water reduces clarity; nutrients increase algae populations...

Raise chickens and feed them your food scraps

Nov 27, 2010
Chickens are friendly, no-fuss food-making machines. Keeping a small backyard flock of these charming birds may be easier than you think, and the...