Matt Berger

Latest Stories (224)

Visit National parks

Nov 30, 2010
They are great fun, affordable -- and everywhere. Your vacation dollars can directly support our environment. Our national parks are an...

Buy local honey

Nov 30, 2010
Urban beekeepers are proliferating for several reasons. For some, it's just a hobby. For others, it's a lifeline. Beekeeping is becoming...

Avoid overnight shipping

Nov 30, 2010
Select ground transportation, instead of rush delivery, for your mailing needs and cut down on fossil fuel use and pollution. ...

Check the Temperature in Your Fridge and Freezer

Nov 30, 2010
It's easy for those dials to get knocked out of whack by oversized tubs of leftovers or marauding children or houseguests, so make sure you have...

Reduce Your Water Bill with a Rain Barrel

Nov 30, 2010
If you are not ready to install a green roof yet, you can accomplish much the same thing by directing water from your roof into a rain barrel....

Show some TLC for the trees on your urban street

Nov 30, 2010
We've all heard about how forests absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. But their city-slicker tree cousins help reduce production of CO2 in the first...

Do it yourself!

Nov 30, 2010
Grow your own food or at least some of it. Make your own yogurt, bake your own bread, make/take your own lunch to work, bring your own coffee/tea...

Live in a 'walkable' neighborhood

Nov 30, 2010
Choose a "walkable" neighborhood for your next home, or one that offers services and amenities that are accessible by foot. Walkable neighborhoods...

Excerpt: Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People

Nov 29, 2010
The following excerpt is from Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People by Amy Sedaris. Listen to the Marketplace interview and learn more about the...

Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People

Nov 29, 2010
Title: Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People Author: Amy Sedaris Publisher: Grand Central Publishing Type: Non Fiction Released: November 2, ...