Molly Wood

Host and senior editor


Molly Wood is the former host and senior editor of "Marketplace Tech," a daily broadcast focused on demystifying the digital economy, and former co-host of "Make Me Smart," where she and co-host Kai Ryssdal would try to make sense of big topics in business, tech and culture.

What was your first job?

Grocery store checker (but I also drove an ice cream truck once).

Fill in the blank: Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ______.

Time, the most precious thing of all.

What is something that everyone should own, no matter how much it costs?

A pet!

What’s the favorite item in your workspace and why?

My electric fireplace! It is both cute and cozy.


Latest Stories (2,747)

Technology and airplane security

Dec 29, 2009
Some in-flight security rules have been eased, according to the Associated Press. How does this affect our security on planes?

Top tech stories for 2009

Dec 28, 2009
Recapping the year in tech stories.

HOPE + aims to be online version of Peace Corps

Dec 24, 2009
A political activist has launched a portal site designed to connect worthy projects in the third world to those who would like to help.

On being watched in Las Vegas

Dec 23, 2009
Nowhere in America are you watched more closely, perhaps, than in a Las Vegas casino.

Tablets as breakout gadgets of 2010?

Dec 22, 2009
Apple's rumored tablet computer put the gadget on the top of the hot list to come for 2010.

Listeners respond to Facebook privacy changes

Dec 21, 2009
You -- the listeners -- weigh in on the new changes Facebook has made.

Privacy groups file FTC complaint against Facebook

Dec 18, 2009
Complaints come in about Facebook's recent changes to its privacy settings.

Using smart phones to detect and mitigate chemical disasters

Dec 17, 2009
Can the iPhone be used to detect pollution in the air?

How common is sexting?

Dec 16, 2009
Sexting -- or sending suggestive text messages over mobile phones -- has made its way into popular culture. But is it really that common, or just something seen on TV?

Blogosphere goes nuts over Google phone

Dec 15, 2009
Why is everyone raving about the Google Nexus?