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Nancy Marshall-Genzer



Nancy covers Washington, D.C. for Marketplace. However, she has a wide range of interests and has reported on everything from homelessness to government shutdowns and the history of the Fed.

Before joining Marketplace, she worked in the NPR newscast unit as a producer and fill-in editor and newscaster. She also worked at WAMU, the NPR affiliate in Washington.

In 2023, Nancy was honored with a Gracie Award for a story on how pediatricians were coping with the end of the federal government's COVID public health emergency. The story also won a National Headliner Award and a Society of Professional Journalists award.

Latest Stories (1,676)

FEC changes rules on campaign ads

Nov 21, 2007
The Federal Election Commission issued new rules for what unions and corporations can put into supportive campaign ads. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports some think this could give a green light to attack ads.

The Fed becomes less reserved

Nov 20, 2007
The Federal Reserve will be sharing more information with the public when it releases the minutes today for last month's meeting. Nancy Marshall Genzer tells us what the Fed added and whether critics are appeased.

Beef on menu for Japan PM chat

Nov 16, 2007
Japan currently limits imports of U.S. beef to young cattle, up to 20 months old, due to concerns about mad cow disease. President Bush is likely to ask for imports of older cattle. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Can Medicaid stop paying tax cheats?

Nov 14, 2007
Doctors, hospitals and nursing homes that haven't bothered to pay federal taxes are still getting Medicaid checks. Congress is trying to solve the problem. But as Nancy Marshall-Genzer reports, the government's hands may be tied.

Rags to riches still a fairy tale

Nov 13, 2007
A report out says most people are making more money than their parents did. But it also says despite making more money, a lot of them still go from being poor children to poor adults. Nancy Marshall Genzer has more.

Dems look to fix pay discrimination ruling

Jun 1, 2007
The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that employees have just six months to sue if they think they're getting less pay. Some Democrats are crafting a bill that would give them more time. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Beijing tries to put the brakes on market

May 30, 2007
Desperate to cool off its stock market, Beijing tripled the tax rate on trades today. In response, the Shanghai composite index tumbled 6.5% — and Wall Street shrugged. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Victim of discrimination? The clock's ticking

May 29, 2007
The Supreme Court ruled today that if you wait too long to bring a discrimination lawsuit, you're out of luck. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Student loan regulation up for debate

May 10, 2007
As lawmakers consider greater oversight of the lucrative student loan industry, some universities are pushing for self-regulation. They claim the free market will spit out the bad seeds, but critics say that's misguided. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports.

Panel: Global warming fix isn' t so steep

May 4, 2007
In its third report, the U.N.'s International Panel on Climate Change says the cost of doing something about global warming might not be as much as we thought. Nancy Marshall Genzer discusses the findings with Kai Ryssdal.