Nicholas Guiang

Latest Stories (36)

Mississippi record store enlists student influencers to help business

Feb 24, 2023
Phillip Rollins, owner of Offbeat, wants to attract more college students and give them a place to hang out.
Valentine's Day brought an spike in record sales for Phillip Rollins, owner of Offbeat.
Martin Bureau/AFP via Getty Images

For online shoppers, is too much variety a blessing or a curse?

Feb 21, 2023
With thousands of items and products to choose from, consumers need to protect themselves from making the wrong purchase.
Sifting through the thousands of product choices online is getting harder.
Tom Cooper/Getty Images

As mortgage rates rise, so have all-cash offers for homes

Feb 15, 2023
Some people are selling expensive homes and using the cash proceeds to buy more affordable ones. How does that hurt first-time buyers?
Paying cash for homes is a growing trend.
Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images

Keeping up with cat-flation and the rising minimum wage

Feb 14, 2023
The entrepreneur behind a Florida cat cafe hopes 2023 brings reduced costs and many more adoptions.
The costs of cat care supplies have increased, and the owner of a cat cafe in Florida is looking for alternatives.
Andrew Burton/Getty Images

With labor and supply still tight, a Detroit business owner finds an optimistic new normal

Feb 1, 2023
Supply chain hangups and labor shortages have frustrated small businesses. But for a custom frame shop in Detroit, optimism is high for 2023.
Eric Vaughn of Eric's I've Been Framed Shop has handled business smoothly, despite being down to just two employees.
Courtesy Vaughn

Esports have exploded, but the profits haven't followed

Jan 19, 2023
Over the past decade, esports have grown to a point where events sell out NBA stadiums. But as popularity has boomed, esports leagues still face major business barriers.
The League of Legends World Championship at San Francisco's Chase Center in November 2022.
Josh Edelson/AFP via Getty Images

"Dark patterns": The deceptive arts of e-commerce

Jan 16, 2023
Emily Stewart of Vox explains how web tactics like countdown clocks and inventory trackers can create a false sense of urgency for consumers.
Many e-commerce sites use well-honed tactics to influence consumers to "buy, buy, buy." Emily Stewart advises consumers to learn about them and avoid impulsive shopping.
Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images

What did my Gen Z coworker just say?

Dec 26, 2022
Gen Z has developed its own way to communicate and is now bringing it into the workplace. But their use of language is leaving older colleagues bewildered.
Gen Z slang is making its way into the workplace, but sometimes older colleagues are struggling to understand.
Disobey Art/Getty Images.

Don't panic, it's just a roundabout

Dec 22, 2022
The modern roundabout was created in 1960s Britain. But since the '90s, the small Indianapolis suburb of Carmel, Indiana has slowly become the roundabout capital of the United States.
Popularized in Great Britain, roundabouts work around the key behavior of yielding to those already inside the circle.
James Brey/Getty Images.

Fine art: a playground for the superrich

Dec 8, 2022
Since the blockbuster auction of Paul Allen's collection, the art market might be losing some of the wind in its sails.
David Hockney's "The Conversation," part of the collection of the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. But fine art adviser Lisa Austin thinks a market slowdown may be imminent.
Frederic J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images