Paddy Hirsch

Senior Editor, Marketplace


Paddy Hirsch is a former Contributing Editor at Marketplace and the creator and former host of the Marketplace Whiteboard. 

Latest Stories (452)

Can the government take on good and bad debt?

Oct 4, 2013
For personal purposes, there is a difference between 'good debt' and 'bad debt' -- but can the government make the same distinction?
The recently reopened San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Who does the U.S. actually owe $16.7 trillion to?

Oct 2, 2013
Although we often think of our debt as owed to foreign countries, in reality, America owes a lot of money to ourselves. Even regular Americans indirectly own a large chunk of our national debt.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has informed Congress that the government will exhaust its borrowing authority by October 17, after which it could default on its loans.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Free coffee this weekend: Coffee lovers rejoice!

Sep 27, 2013
Sunday is National Coffee Day and popular coffee shops are offering complimentary caffeine. Here's a list.

Obama & the debt ceiling: An explainer

Sep 26, 2013
The government is considering raising the debt ceiling -- again. But what exactly is the debt ceiling: Watch an explainer to understand what's at stake and what it means for you and me.

Twitter IPO rumors: NYSE not Nasdaq

Sep 24, 2013
Twitter’s a tech company, right? And tech companies list on the Nasdaq, right? So what the heck is Twitter doing listing on the NYSE?

Explaining exchanges

Sep 19, 2013
You've heard of the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq. Do people really still stand around and yell out buy and sell orders at these places? Paddy Hirsch explains what an exchange is -- by taking us to the supermarket.

Protecting your social security number from hackers

Sep 18, 2013
Social security numbers are open to hacking if not properly protected.
placbo / Creative Commons

What's confidential about Twitter's IPO filing?

Sep 12, 2013
Twitter tweeted that it had "confidentially submitted" papers for a planned initial public offering. The news reached more more than 23.6 million people, so what's confidential about that?
LEON NEAL/AFP/Getty Images

Consumer credit rises, but no one's smiling

Sep 9, 2013
We're borrowing more, but neither as much as economists had hoped, nor for the kind of thing that will help the economy.
A very empty shopping mall.
Marco Di Lauro/Getty Images

Do your Facebook friends affect your credit score?

Sep 4, 2013
They say be careful what you post on social media What you do on Facebook could affect your credit score.
“No, your credit history on Vulcan does NOT count”
David Brancaccio