Paddy Hirsch

Senior Editor, Marketplace


Paddy Hirsch is a former Contributing Editor at Marketplace and the creator and former host of the Marketplace Whiteboard. 

Latest Stories (452)

How does the falling price of gold affect you?

Apr 17, 2013
Gold prices are down again this morning, after falling by more than 10 percent since Friday. Oil prices are also lower. But how do these drops in commodity prices affect your wallet?
After a dazzling rise to more than $1,900 an ounce, the yellow metal has clearly lost its luster. The price of bullion has slumped by 10 percent since the end of last week, down to $1,420 an ounce.

4 tips to avoid an audit this tax season

Apr 3, 2013
Tax day is less than two weeks away. As you prepare for this year's returns, Marketplace's Senior Producer of Personal Finance Paddy Hirsch brings you tips to avoid an audit.
Therapist and executive coach Angela Sasseville says that the pandemic and other factors have primed us to feel more anxious than before.

How a firm's goodwill is more like soft snow than a hard asset

Mar 29, 2013
Goodwill reads like an afterthought in a company's annual report. But it's often the most important component of a company's operation, as Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains.
Goodwill reads like an afterthought in a company's annual report. But it's often the most important component of a company's operation, as Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch explains.

What just happened in Cyprus? An explainer

Mar 25, 2013
The moral of the story of the near collapse of Cyprus' banking system is that when a saving rate looks too good to be true, it probably is.
A man uses an ATM machine of the Bank Of Cyprus on March 24, 2013 in Limassol, Cyprus.
Milos Bicanski/Getty Images

The pros and cons of credit unions

Mar 20, 2013
Should you bank at a credit union? Marketplace senior producer of personal finance Paddy Hirsch discusses the upsides and the downsides.
Should you bank at a credit union? Marketplace senior producer of personal finance Paddy Hirsch discusses the upsides and the downsides.
Matt Cardy/Getty Images

Why a currency war could hurt you

Mar 11, 2013
A currency war sounds weirdly abstract, like a game played by rival politicians -- but it can have devastating effects in the real world. And it’s not all that different from a rivalry of different kind – a hypothetical sibling rivalry.

Resume guide: 3 tips to make your CV standout

Mar 6, 2013
If you are hitting the job market, the one thing you'll need is a good resume. But how do you get yours to the top of the heap?
If you are hitting the job market, the one thing you'll need is a good resume. But how do you get yours to the top of the heap?
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

6 ways to protect yourself from restaurant tip theft

Feb 20, 2013
When you go out to eat at a restaurant and pay by credit card, what should you do with your receipts? Leave them on the table or throw them away?
When you go out to eat at a restaurant and pay by credit card, what should you do with your receipts? Leave them on the table or throw them away?
JOEL SAGET/AFP/Getty Images)

How to safe guard yourself against a bond bubble

Feb 6, 2013
As investors pour money into stocks, there are fears that the bond market could suffer. How should you adjust your portfolio?
As investors pour money into stocks, there are fears that the bond market could suffer. How should you adjust your portfolio?
Richard Heathcote/Getty Images

Can I sell my house? Depends on who you ask

Jan 25, 2013
We’ve been swamped with real estate news this month. But what does it all mean?
A 'For Sale' sign is posted in front of a house in Hollywood, Fla.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images