Paddy Hirsch

Senior Editor, Marketplace


Paddy Hirsch is a former Contributing Editor at Marketplace and the creator and former host of the Marketplace Whiteboard. 

Latest Stories (452)

Debt ceiling is like a credit card? Think again

Jan 18, 2013
Critics say that raising the debt ceiling is like paying off one credit card with another. But if you dig into it, that analogy is flawed.

German gold goes home -- Here's why

Jan 17, 2013
Germany announced this week that it's planning to repatriate much of the gold that its been keeping in reserves in the U.S. and France.
A journalist holds a bar of gold during a press conference at the German Federal Bank in Frankfurt am Main, western Germany.

What is the debt ceiling? An explainer

Jan 15, 2013
Confused by all the mud-slinging around Washington over the debt ceiling? Don't know who to blame? Here's a quick explainer on the debt ceiling's function and why this fight could turn out to be messy.
The Treasury Department says there's only so much it can do before we hit that ceiling again. But predicting exactly when that will happen is difficult.

Explainer: How to choose a financial planner

Jan 13, 2013
Finding a financial planner is a tricky business. Here are some of the key questions to ask.
Finding  a financial planner is a tricky business. Here are some of the key questions to ask.

From a nation of homeowners to a nation of renters

Jan 9, 2013
As 2013 kicks off, one of the biggest changes to the landscape of consumer finance is taking place in the housing market.
A large 'rent' banner is posted on the side of an apartment building on June 15, 2012 in San Francisco, California.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

What did the Fed just do?

Dec 13, 2012
What did Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke do yesterday? He put speed limit signs up on the freeway.
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernake pauses while speaking during a press briefing at the Federal Reserve 11, 2012 in Washington, D.C.

Using websites to manage your finances

Dec 12, 2012
The holiday season might be a time of year when you don't even want to look at your personal finances because money is going out the door right and left. You certainly don't want to go to a website that puts all your financial accounts in one place and makes charts and graphs out of your money - or do you?
Is it easier to manage your finances in the cloud that with regular old pen and paper.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

How to spend smart this holiday season

Nov 27, 2012
With holiday season upon us, we're likely all going to be spending a little more over the next month. How can you prepare for the holiday dent in your wallet?
Amanda Edwards/Getty Images

Investors desperate for yield make risky bets

Nov 22, 2012
Investors are agreeing to all sorts of crazy terms in order to put money to work in the bond and loan markets. They're baking risk into the system, and that could be a problem for all of us.
Investors are agreeing to all sorts of crazy terms in order to put money to work in the bond and loan markets. They're baking risk into the system, and that could be a problem for all of us.