Rose Conlon

Latest Stories (300)

The tech cold war with China is ratcheting up

Jul 24, 2020
"The next few months are going to be really dangerous," says Eurasia Group president Ian Bremmer.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

When we find a COVID-19 vaccine, who gets it first?

Jul 21, 2020
The best public health outcome won't come from selling vaccine doses to the highest bidder, says Gavi CEO Seth Berkley.
Pedro Vilela/Getty Images

Some people still have not received the first COVID-19 relief check. Here's why.

A new study by the Brookings Institution found racial disparities in whose checks were delayed.
One way to make sure more people get their payments if their is a second round is to consider prepaid debit cards instead of Treasury checks.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Diversity recruitment is booming, but retention remains a "huge issue"

Jul 17, 2020
For companies, hiring people of color is just the first step.
Employers need to support and advance people of color as well as hire them, says Arthur Woods of Mathison.
Getty Images

The economics of the NBA "bubble"

Jul 15, 2020
What the Disney World bubble is costing the NBA in its effort to keep players safe — and why it's probably money well spent.
Pedro Pardo/AFP/Getty Images

What if delivery vans took your stuff away instead of dropping off packages?

A fiction writer's surreal take on the COVID-19 economy imagines a world where delivery vans arrive and confiscate your things.
Eva Hambach/AFP/Getty Images

Here's what civil rights leaders want from Facebook

"It shouldn't be my nonprofit that has to be monitoring and focusing its energy on a corporation that makes $70 billion a year," said Color of Change President Rashad Robinson.
Many of the companies boycotting Facebook are major brands with big budgets.
Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP via Getty Images

Investigation finds rehab programs across the U.S. require unpaid labor from clients

Jul 8, 2020
At least 300 rehab facilities in 44 states required unpaid labor from participants, investigators found.
Investigators found rehab participants doing everything from picking cotton in Georgia to doing doing construction on high rises in the San Francisco Bay Area, all with no or little pay.
Roberto Schmidt/AFP/Getty Images

What does minor league baseball's canceled season mean for teams and the towns that host them?

Jul 6, 2020
Hannah Keyser of Yahoo! Sports says more than half of minor league teams could go under.
"Most minor league revenue is butts in seats, they make their money from having people attend games," says Hannah Keyser of Yahoo! Sports.
Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images

How forced arbitration can hurt Black and brown workers

Jul 3, 2020
Some say forced arbitration favors employers in racial discrimination cases.
Forced arbitration could have negative impacts on Black and brown workers the moment they find a job.
Joshua Lott/Getty Images