Sabri Ben-Achour

Correspondent & Host

Latest Stories (628)

Health care openings still hot amid cooling job market

Jul 9, 2024
People who left during during the pandemic are still being replaced. Providers struggle to fill the gaps as demand steadily rises.
Demand for workers is still strong in the health care industry, partly driven by demographic aging.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Bond yields owe a debt to presidential politics

Jul 3, 2024
Yields on the 10-year Treasury note rose after the recent debate on the idea that a Trump election win could boost inflation.
A Republican administration's policies might add to inflation and government debt, said David Kelly of J.P. Morgan Asset Management. But Democrats spend a lot too.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Slowing job trends point to stabilizing labor market

Jul 2, 2024
Recent "boring" data suggests a return to normal, cooler employment conditions after a "red hot" streak.
Job openings on Indeed. The labor market is in a healthy, more balanced phase, economists say, after a period of widespread worker shortages.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Business reactions to Biden Administration tariffs vary widely

Jun 26, 2024
Some businesses say the new tariffs will put them on a level playing field with Chinese exporters. Others see little advantage.
Biden is keeping many  Trump-era tariffs and introducing new ones, including lithium ion batteries, electric vehicles and feeding tube parts. 
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Why most of the world still uses the U.S. dollar to buy and sell oil

Jun 25, 2024
The scale, liquidity and stability of U.S. financial markets are partly behind the phenomenon.
Safe, liquid markets in the United States is a key reason most countries buy oil — and many other commodities — with dollars.
Frederic J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images

The case for wage insurance to offset future job disruption

There's already unemployment insurance. But new research makes the case for wage insurance as further protection for workers.
Federico Parra/AFP via Getty Images

What 100-year-old immigration policy can teach us about the economy

Amid new executive actions on immigration, and 100 years since the National Origins Act, we look at how policy has shaped the economy.
Johannes Eisele/AFP via Getty Images

Why the last mile in the Federal Reserve's inflation fight has been uphill

It's taking a longer time for the broader economy to feel the impact of higher interest rates, in part because of debts locked in when rates were lower.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Why gay bars are closing — and what's taking their place

LGBTQ+ gatherings at less traditional venues are changing what queer nightlife can look like, professor Amin Ghaziani explains.
"Gay bars are an absolutely important part of nightlife, but they're not the sum total of [gay] nightlife," said author and professor Amin Ghaziani.
Yana Paskova/Getty Images

Campaign donors hope money makes the difference in hotly contested states

Federal campaigns get much of the spotlight, but state and local races can be as consequential for residents' lives. Funders know that.
Millions of dollars are being spent to sway voters on state-level ballot initiatives.
Alex Wong/Getty Images