Sabri Ben-Achour

Correspondent & Host

Latest Stories (653)

FBI wins one battle recovering bitcoin ransom, but it's still a war

Jun 8, 2021
Cryptocurrencies have allowed digital ransom and extortion to explode in recent years.
Deputy U.S. Attorney General Lisa Monaco announces the recovery of millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency from the Colonial Pipeline Co. ransomware attacks on June 7, 2021.
Jonathan Ernst/AFP via Getty Images

Proposed global minimum tax faces tough hurdles, in the U.S. as overseas

Jun 7, 2021
An agreement by the G-7 to set minimum levels of corporate tax will need ratification by governments and, closer to home, faces an uphill battle in Congress.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen at the G7 Finance Ministers Meeting in London on June 5, 2021.
Alberto Pezzali/Getty Images

Can the supersonic flight make a comeback?

Jun 3, 2021
United has ordered 15 Concorde-like planes, with the expectation that they could be carrying passengers by 2029.
The final British Airways Concorde flight lifts off from John F. Kennedy Airport in New York on its final voyage to London in 2003.
Timothy A. Clary/AFP via Getty Images

Remote work already dividing employees and employers

Jun 2, 2021
Many job seekers want remote work, but not many firms offer it. Amid a labor shortage, workers might have leverage.
Marketplace's Chris Farrell discusses the future of work and who stands to benefit the most from it.
Ilona Titova via Getty Images

China's 3-child policy met with tepid public reception

There's skepticism about whether the policy change will actually address China's shrinking workforce and older population.
One reason? "The work of raising a child, like in many countries, falls disproportionately on women, and women in China have complained of being penalized at workplaces for being a mother," says Marketplace China correspondent Jennifer Pak.
Noel Celis/AFP via Getty Images

The Dow at 125: Why it endures

May 26, 2021
The Dow Jones Industrial Average, filled with household-name companies, "has a special place in the imagination."
Wall Street is the iconic location of the American stock market, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average is the market's iconic index of household-name companies.
Stan Honda/AFP via Getty Images

How digital currencies work

May 21, 2021
The Federal Reserve is thinking about a central bank digital currency for the U.S., which would be less volatile than Bitcoin.
The value of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin fluctuates, but a central bank-backed digital dollar would be worth ... a dollar.
Karen Bleier/AFP via Getty Images

The latest arena of US-China confrontation: international tech standards

May 20, 2021
China has increased its participation in setting global technological standards. Some in the U.S. are concerned. Should they be?
There are rules that companies around the world follow so their devices can work together and compete together. The U.S. and China have both become increasingly aggressive in trying to influence these rules.
Jason Lee/AFP via Getty Images

Employers try an unfamiliar tactic to attract workers: raising wages

May 13, 2021
McDonald's has joined Chipotle in offering higher wages. And it's hard to undo that.
Frederic J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images

Consumer prices jump, especially for cars, flights and other ways to get away

May 12, 2021
Inflation data shows that consumer prices went up 4.2% year over year — the most since 2008.
Car-rental prices have leaped, registering a 16% monthly increase in April. Consumer prices overall rose 4.2% year over year, outpacing forecasts.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images