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Sabri Ben-Achour

Correspondent & Host

Latest Stories (653)

When campaigning, boots are cheaper than ads

Feb 8, 2016
The campaign ground game is cheap, but tough. Candidates skip it at their peril.
A volunteer carries a campaign sign supporting Republican presidential candiate Donald Trump as he leaves the Newmarket Trump campaign headquarters on February 8, 2016 in New Hampshire. 
Joe Raedle/Getty Image

United's CEO has stepped down amid a federal probe

Sep 8, 2015
One of the airlines routes is key to an investigation into the Port Authority.

What's behind the M&A mania

Aug 10, 2015
Mergers and acquisitions are surging this year. Here's why.

A year in jobs reports

Jan 9, 2015
As the numbers for December come in, we take a look back at 2014.

Marriage of convenience becomes divorce of necessity

Sep 30, 2014
EBay announced that it’s going to split with PayPal.

Why bank loans are getting riskier

Jun 26, 2014
Banks are relaxing the terms in their loans. And that makes them riskier.
The Canary Wharf headquarters of Barclays Bank, which is under investigation by the New York State Attorney General for possibly misleading and defrauding its dark pool clients.
Oli Scarff/Getty Images

An ancient animal's blood is a modern medical miracle

Jun 17, 2014
The horseshoe crab's blue-colored blood is critical to modern medicine.
Mandy Cheng/AFP via Getty Images

Goldman Sachs considers shutting down its 'dark pool'

Apr 9, 2014
Publicity about high-speed trading and talk of SEC investigations have drawn attention to the bank.

Graphene: OMG! The magic material that an elephant standing on a pencil couldn't break

Nov 21, 2013
Graphene is a material that could revolutionize microprocessing

We are the great and powerful USA. Ignore the dysfunction behind the curtain

Oct 31, 2013
A conference in Washington kicks off to convince investors from across the world that the U.S. is an attractive place to invest.