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Sam Eaton

Independent Reporter


Sam Eaton is an independent radio and television journalist. His reporting on complex environmental issues from climate change to population growth has taken him all over the United States and the world.

Latest Stories (337)

Senate looking into oil mergers

Mar 14, 2006
Today, executives from the nation's six largest oil companies go before a Senate committee. They'll be asked to explain whether mergers have anything to do with their gushing profits. Sam Eaton reports.

Dubai Ports World deal

Mar 10, 2006
In the wake of Dubai Ports World's announcement to transfer operations of US ports to a US entity, Sam Eaton looks at whether the arrangement could be a template for future deals involving foreign control of US assets.

Bush's push for renewable energy

Feb 21, 2006
President Bush visits the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado today to tout his alternative energy agenda. But as Sam Eaton reports, questions remain over whether the nation's top renewable research facility will face budget cuts.

Green & Economical

Feb 17, 2006
Wind power is typically more expensive than energy from conventional sources. But that's starting to change, and as Sam Eaton reports, it's helping some farmers save their family business.

Kyoto carbon market

Feb 16, 2006
Today marks one year since the Kyoto Protocol went into effect. One of the success stories of the treaty has been the carbon market, which allows the buying and selling of carbon credits. Sam Eaton has more.

Cheaper oil -- say what??

Feb 14, 2006
According to a new government report, oil should hit $56 a barrel by 2030. But wait a minute. Isn't oil already above $60 a barrel? Sam Eaton looks at the numbers.

Roadless lawsuit

Feb 10, 2006
The list of Western states suing the Bush administration over plans to open roadless areas in national forests to logging grew to four yesterday when Washington State joined the fray. Sam Eaton looks at what's at stake for the timber and eco-tourism industries.

Parsing Bush's energy plan

Feb 9, 2006
Lawmakers get their first chance today to query Department of Energy officials about President Bush's plan to wean America from Middle Eastern oil and develop alternative energy sources. Sam Eaton reports.

Dutch solution no fix for New Orleans

Jan 30, 2006
As the Big Easy rebuilds in the wake of Katrina, some are calling for a Dutch-style network of levees and flood control structures. But a study to be presented this week warns such coastal protections would destroy the region's wetlands. Sam Eaton reports.

Assisted suicide law

Jan 18, 2006
The Supreme Court has upheld Oregon's assisted suicide law. Critics worry the law will encourage poor patients to choose suicide rather than burden their families with expensive medical bills. But as Sam Eaton reports, that hasn't been the case in Oregon.