Shannon Mullen

Latest Stories (85)

Will Microsoft's reorganization work?

Jul 11, 2013
The tech giant plans to revamp its structure and management, as the tech world changes from PCs to mobile devices and cloud computing.

Is Jay-Z's 'Magna Carta Holy Grail' just a big data mine?

Jul 9, 2013
Samsung came up with what seemed like a cool promotion: give away a million copies of Jay-Z’s new album. But how it handled the giveaway got it the wrong kind of publicity.

Headed for your fish and chips: The lowly dogfish

Jun 26, 2013
Cod fishermen off Massachusetts catch few cod these days. Their allowed limits have been slashed because cod are fished out. What does take their hooks is dogfish -- lots of dogfish.

Why Pandora bought a radio station in South Dakota

Jun 12, 2013
The music-streaming company Pandora has bought a small radio station in South Dakota. Owning a radio station could allow Pandora to pay smaller royalties that apply to... radio stations.

The growth of government contractors in surveillance

Jun 11, 2013
The use of government contractors involved in surveillance work has grown tremendously since 9/11. How big is this business?

The ROI on that degree you just got

Jun 10, 2013
Librarians and marriage counselors need more than three times as long to pay off college loans than lawyers, or those in advertising/marketing careers.

Target wants to take a bite out of the organic market

Jun 10, 2013
As big-box stores like Target and Walmart compete for grocery sales, new offerings -- like organic produce -- are one way to up the ante.

Want to buy a fixer-upper? Head to the Rust Belt

Jun 6, 2013
RealtyTrac has released its list of the top cities for fixer-upper houses. At the top of the list: Detroit and other Rust Belt cities.

Zynga employees wait for their next turn

Jun 4, 2013
Social media gaming company Zynga laid off around 500 employees, but recruiters are already on the prowl. What's the afterlife of a Zynga employee?

Oil tax cuts spur fight in Alaska

Jun 4, 2013
Alaskans are worried that a cut to oil taxes could ruin the state budget. BP credits the tax break for spurring new investments in the North Slope oil field.