Stacey Vanek Smith

Reporter, Marketplace


Stacey Vanek Smith is a former senior reporter for Marketplace.

Latest Stories (1,140)

Teens reaching for souped-up cold ones?

Aug 22, 2007
Caffeinated beer may sound like a college student's dream, but some worry the drinks are being marketed to underage consumers as beverage companies grab for their share of the multi-billion dollar energy drink market. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
A can of Sparks Plus is clearly marked 7.0% ALC/VOL. Is that enough to distinguish it from the wall of nonalcoholic energy drinks?
Justin Foster via Flickr

Lenders look for ways to raise cash

Aug 20, 2007
Three large mortgage lenders -- Luminent, Thornburg and Countrywide -- reported steps they are taking in their attempts to recover from the liquidity crisis. Stacey Vanek-Smith has the details.
Foreclosure sign
Getty Images

Southwest taking short hauls to No. 1

Aug 17, 2007
Southwest Airlines is on track to become the biggest airline in the world by the end of this year, as measured by the number of passengers carried. What's its key to success? Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Southwest Airlines planes
Justin Sullivan (c): Getty Images

'Made in the USA' has new cachet

Aug 17, 2007
Mattel is spinning its damage control wheels as fast as it can following back-to-back recalls of millions of its China-made toys. Meanwhile, American toymakers are cashing in - and dreaming of a red, white and blue Christmas. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Bicycle handmade in the USA
velo_city via Flickr

Jumbo loans feel subprime weight

Aug 15, 2007
Some in Congress and the mortgage industry want the government to allow Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy up bigger loans. So far, no deal. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports on how that's affecting potential homebuyers in some of the country's most expensive housing markets.
Entryway of $2.7 million house
Stacey Vanek-Smith

Interest rate whispers every which way

Aug 14, 2007
Wall Street wants a rate cut, but some folks are still stuck on inflation worries and hoping to see a bump in the other direction. Meanwhile, the Fed's been happily holding steady. What next? Stacey Vanek-Smith sorts through the speculation.
U.S. Federal Reserve Building
Win McNamee, Getty Images

A new class in corporate sponsorship

Aug 10, 2007
College administrators always say tuition alone doesn't cover their costs. So they have to raise money elsewhere. Some are turning to new and controversial sources. Stacey Vanek Smith has a lesson in education economics.
ConocoPhillips logo on University of Oklahoma image of students illustration, ConocoPhillips / University of Oklahoma

Box office rebound didn't come cheap

Aug 7, 2007
Audiences have returned to movie theaters in huge numbers this year. We may even see record-breaking attendance, but studios had to shell out big bucks to produce the blockbusters that are reeling people in. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Moviegoers watch the French film "Iznogou" in Richmond, Va.
Paul J. Richards (c) AFP/Getty Images

Are private prisons the answer?

Aug 7, 2007
In the last decade, states have been coming down harder on crime and that's caused a prison population explosion. Many are running out of places to put them. Enter the booming private prison industry. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Jail cell
Getty Images

New prescription for Northwest pilots

Aug 3, 2007
Northwest Airlines says it had to cancel so many flights during peak travel season this summer because pilots were calling in sick and skipping work. Pilots blame post-bankruptcy cost-cutting measures. But a new deal could make it all better, Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Northwest Airlines planes
Bill Pugliano/Getty Images