Stacey Vanek Smith

Reporter, Marketplace


Stacey Vanek Smith is a former senior reporter for Marketplace.

Latest Stories (1,140)

Tackling illegal immigration

Nov 29, 2005
President Bush is touring the Southwest this week talking about his policy on illegal immigration. Yesterday he stopped in Tucson, and today it's on to El Paso. His message? It's the economy, stupid. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

Leery of online banking

Nov 9, 2005
As instances of online theft increase, more and more bank customers are getting nervous about conducting transaction over the Internet. Stacey Vanek Smith reports.

Hedge Funds Drop

Nov 3, 2005
Investments in hedge funds have dropped while the purchase of junk bonds has increased. What's going on? Stacey Vanek Smith reports.

You've come a long way, baby Bells

Nov 1, 2005
The FCC gave the go-ahead Monday to mergers between SBC and ATT and between Verizon and MCI. What's all this consolidation going to mean for consumers? Stacey Vanek Smith has the answer.

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

Oct 27, 2005
Congress wants to tighten supervision over the government's mammoth mortgage lenders. Stacey Vanek Smith reports.

Earnings report card

Oct 24, 2005
The earnings season is more than half way through, but already the lessons of the third quarter are clear. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

Debt is bad, but that's not all

Oct 20, 2005
New York Fed President Timothy Geithner warned Wednesday that America's budget deficit could hamper future economic growth. But Stacey Vanek Smith reports that there's more to the story.

IBM: still in the game

Oct 19, 2005
IBM, the granddaddy of the tech industry, beat Wall Street's expectations in the third quarter, bucking a disappointing tech trend. Stacey Vanek Smith looks at why.

Refco in trouble

Oct 14, 2005
After going public just two months ago, the futures trading giant has shut down one of its units due to a cash shortage. And that's not all. Marketplace's Stacey Vanek Smith reports.


Oct 13, 2005
The tech-heavy NASDAQ dropped 23 points Wednesday for its lowest close in nearly five months. Stacey Vanek Smith reports.