Stacey Vanek Smith

Reporter, Marketplace


Stacey Vanek Smith is a former senior reporter for Marketplace.

Latest Stories (1,140)

Bank of America cuts interest rates for credit card users

Mar 4, 2011
It's a result of the CARD act passed in 2009.
A man rides by a Bank of America branch Pasadena, Calif.
David McNew/Getty Images

HBO buys a comedy about the financial crisis

Mar 3, 2011
The creator of the hit series "Entourage" has sold HBO a comedy about an unemployed banker. Are we ready to laugh about the financial crisis?
The HBO logo.
Mark Von Holden/Getty Images for HBO

NYC asks investment banks for revenue ideas

Mar 1, 2011
New York's City Hall is seeking investment banks' advice for how to raise revenue from 50,000 parking meters and other services.
Parking meter
Scott Barbour/Getty Images

All Oscars all the time

Feb 24, 2011
The Academy Awards will be a non-stop marketing and social networking fest. It's all about making big live events pay off far beyond the broadcast.
An advertisement for the Oscars is displayed before the famous Hollywood sign 23 January 2007 in Hollywood, California.

Luxury shoppers make a comeback

Feb 23, 2011
As the recovery gets underway, retail's high-end starts doing better than its low-end. Case in point: Saks Fifth Avenue.
Shoppers flow in and out of Saks Fifth Avenue department store December 27, 2009, in New York City.
David Goldman/Getty Images

Prepaid cards hit the market

Feb 21, 2011
Consumers are finding a new way to charge their purchases: prepaid cards. But are they a better alternative to credit cards?
Visa credit cards.
Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Banks likely face fines over foreclosure mess

Feb 17, 2011
Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and other big U.S. banks are likely to be fined by federal regulators for mishandling home foreclosures.
Foreclosure headline in a newspaper

Higher price of cotton has designers looking for alternatives

Feb 17, 2011
As pure cotton increasingly becomes a luxury fabric, clothing designers experiment with new blends and substitutes. Interested in a dress made from recycled swimsuits?
Spools of cotton
Bruno Vincent/Getty Images

NFL players play up economic damage of a lockout

Feb 11, 2011
A contract showdown between NFL owners and players is approaching, and a lockout would have wide economic ripples.
The Denver Broncos offense lines up against the San Diego Chargers defense during NFL action at Invesco Field at Mile High in Denver, Colo.
Doug Pensinger/Getty Images

Broadway musical 'Spider-Man' skewered

Feb 8, 2011
Scathing reviews of "Spider-Man" a month before it even opens pose the latest challenge to the troubled $65 million Broadway show.
Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark.
Jacob Cohl/Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark