Stacey Vanek Smith

Reporter, Marketplace


Stacey Vanek Smith is a former senior reporter for Marketplace.

Latest Stories (1,140)

Municipal bond market is still struggling

Jan 14, 2011
More than two years after the financial crisis' credit crunch, many cities and states are still feeling the effects -- worries about budget deficits has borrowing costs up and the municipal bond market is struggling. Stacey Vanek Smith reports.
A bond.

New bank fees are aimed at lower income customers

Jan 10, 2011
Now that there are new rules for credit cards and overdraft fees, banks are trying to find money in other places. And as Stacey Vanek Smith reports, this means going after lower income customers, which in turn could move these customers out of the banking system altogether.
Bank customer uses ATM machine.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Bank of America tests new fee system

Jan 6, 2011
Thanks to new rules restricting banks from charging exorbitant fees on credit cards, it seems that they're making it up in other ways. Bank of America announced a new fee system based on how much money customers keep in the bank, and how much they're not costing the bank. Stacey Vanek-Smith explains.
Bank of America sign in Pasadena, Calif.
Bank of America sign in Pasadena, Calif.

SEC looks into Goldman Sachs-Facebook deal

Jan 5, 2011
The SEC is looking into whether the deal breaks rules that limits a private company to 500 shareholders. But as Stacey Vanek Smith reports, Facebook might soon find incentives to go public.
The home page of Facebook displayed on a laptop screen.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Why bankruptcy claims aren't as high as one would think

Jan 4, 2011
More than a million and a half people filed for bankruptcy last year, up 9 percent from last year. But that's still not as many filings as there were in 2003 or 2005. With high unemployment and mortgage problems, how is this possible? Stacey Vanek Smith reports.
Past Due notice

Research shows reward credit cards can cause further debt

Dec 29, 2010
Research from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has found that the ever popular rewards credit cards like cards that give you cash back or airline miles cause people to spend more and go into more debt.
A man shows off some of his credit cards.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Online ad spending surpasses print ad spending

Dec 21, 2010
This year, for the first time, online advertisers spent more on online ads than print ads. Though analysts have been predicting this event, it's still a media milestone. Stacey Vanek Smith speaks to Andrew Frank about what this means for advertising.
An online ad on a Blackberry mobile device.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

What to expect with Ernst and Young

Dec 20, 2010
Marketplace host Stacey Vanek Smith speaks to Francine McKenna and Julia Coronado about Ernst and Young and the financial collapse.
A Lehman Brothers sign at the company's annex office in New York City.
Chris Hondros/Getty Images

Ireland's low credit rating could bring rest of Euro nations down

Dec 17, 2010
Ireland's debt rating was downgraded today, taking the already hurting country even further down the hole. If Ireland defaults, it could bring the rest of the Eurozone down with it.
A man leaves the Bank of Ireland in Dublin. Ireland admitted Monday it is in contact with 'international colleagues' over its debt crisis but denied seeking a bailout.

Are cubicles going extinct?

Dec 15, 2010
The cubicle was once the norm in an office setting, but times are changing. Not only are the workspaces getting smaller, but the whole idea of cubicles themselves -- closed off, with walls -- may be disappearing altogether.
Inside Mr. Youth's cubicle-less office.
Courtesy of Mr. Youth