Stacey Vanek Smith

Reporter, Marketplace


Stacey Vanek Smith is a former senior reporter for Marketplace.

Latest Stories (1,140)

Consumers get back in spending saddle

Mar 3, 2010
A report from MasterCard's Spending Pulse says consumers are buying again, and retailers are not resorting to extreme discounts. But there are still big barriers to retail sales growth. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
A shopper carries shopping bags on Fifth Avenue in New York City.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

ABC's Oscar drama just a rerun

Mar 3, 2010
ABC is threatening to withhold airing the Oscars as Cablevision continues refusing to pay more in carriage fees. But TV viewers have survived this type of bout before. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
An Oscar statuette sits in a display case at R.S. Owens & Company in Chicago, Ill.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Credit cards find new revenue sources

Mar 1, 2010
The Credit Card Reform Act is designed to protect consumers from things like unauthorized overdraft fees and other penalties. It has cost credit companies a boatload, but they've already found ways to make up for it. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Credit Card Terminal

A larger role for consumer protection

Mar 1, 2010
The financial regulation bill gives the government a larger role in regulating financial products like securities and derivatives. But critics say the bill doesn't do enough to police credit cards and mortgage loans. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

Vaccines get help from tobacco plants

Feb 26, 2010
The global market for vaccines is expected to soon top $30 billion, but a new technology utilizing tobacco plants could change the market entirely. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.

Credit card biz shift: Penalties to perks

Feb 22, 2010
The credit card industry has lost an estimated $150 billion since the recession began, as people have defaulted on their debt and cut back on card use. Now the industry is catering to a new consumer. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Credit cards
Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Credit cards' credo: Fees, fees, fees

Feb 22, 2010
The credit card reforms Congress approved last year take effect today, making it more difficult for card companies to raise interest rates right away. The industry is making up for lost revenue with a host of new fees. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Person pulls debit or credit card from wallet.

How card companies continue to profit

Feb 19, 2010
Despite the changes hitting the industry, credit card companies are finding ways to make money. Reporter Stacey Vanek-Smith tells Tess Vigeland just how.
$100 bills and a credit card machine.

The loopholes of credit card reform

Feb 19, 2010
Credit card reform is finally here, but there are loopholes consumers need to be aware of. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
A number on a credit card

Telecom companies take on Apple

Feb 15, 2010
At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, more than two dozen wireless carriers and handset makers announced they're coming together to create a communal site for cell phone applications. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
A banner advertises the 2010 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
Josep/AFP/Getty Images