Tracey Samuelson


Tracey Samuelson is a former senior reporter for Marketplace.

What was your first job?

Working in a bread store at the peak of the anti-carb movement.

What do you think is the hardest part of your job that no one knows?

Cramming all the interesting information I find reporting into a few minutes.

In your next life, what would your career be?

ER doctor.

Fill in the blank: Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ______.

Lots of stuff from Amazon.

What’s your most memorable Marketplace moment?

That time I went to Hawaii ... on assignment.

Latest Stories (475)

What the AT&T ruling means for mergers and acquisitions

Jun 13, 2018
Yesterday … a judge cleared AT&T’s $85 billion acquisition of Time Warner. Today… Comcast bid $65 billion in cash for 21st Century Fox assets, which Disney is already trying to buy. Coincidence? I think not. The AT&T decision was closely watched for the implications it could have on other deals. So, more to come? Click […]

How U.S. trade policy risks isolating the country from traditional allies

Jun 11, 2018
President Donald Trump backed out of a joint statement with the other six countries of the G-7 and lashed out at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Twitter after Trudeau said Canada would push forward with retaliatory tariffs. A photo from the weekend kind of sums it all up: Trump’s seated, arms crossed, eyebrows raised, […]

Turkey raises interest rates to stem currency crisis

May 23, 2018
The Turkish lira has been on a wild slide recently. It dropped 5 percent against the dollar Wednesday, its biggest loss in nearly a decade, before the country’s Central Bank stepped in with an emergency meeting that reversed some of those losses. The bank finally did something it’d been resisting. Something its president had been […]

Congress weighs changes to foreign investment oversight

May 21, 2018
The Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act is likely headed for a vote in the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday.
The flag of the People's Republic of China hangs next to an American flag in New York.
Chris Hondros/Getty Images

With NAFTA negotiators still far apart, is it time for a “Skinny NAFTA”?

May 16, 2018
Tomorrow is supposed to be the final deadline  — per House Speaker Paul Ryan — for trade negotiators to agree to a revised North American Free Trade Agreement. That is if they want this Congress to vote on NAFTA before the end of the year. There’s been some push back there — others counting calendar days differently and […]

Many sticking points and little time in NAFTA negotiations

May 11, 2018
May 17. Next Thursday. That’s the deadline House Speaker Paul Ryan has set for negotiators to notify Congress that they’ve reached an agreement on a revised version of the North American Free Trade Agreement if they want to get it through Congress by the end of the year. A May deadline for a December vote […]

EU is unhappy with U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs

Apr 24, 2018
When the United States imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports last month, the European Union and a handful of other key allies got a temporarily exemption that expires next week. China was not granted an exemption and took its case to the World Trade Organization. This week, the EU has decided to join that […]

U.S. companies line up to be excluded from steel and aluminum tariffs

Apr 17, 2018
Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe is in Florida to discuss trade issues with President Donald Trump. One issue on the table: Japan’s desire to be excluded from steel and aluminum tariffs that went into effect last month. Other key U.S. allies, including Australia, Canada, the European Union and Mexico have been granted exemptions. Plenty of […]

How economic security is national security for Trump

Apr 10, 2018
Many trading partners see that core administration belief as a thinly veiled cover for protectionism.
President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with senior military leaders at the White House in Washington, D.C., on Monday. On his right is new National Security Advisor John Bolton.

What does a trade war mean for the U.S. economy?

Let's break down how it will affect the country's GDP, jobs or even agriculture.
A Chinese worker looks on as a cargo ship is loaded at a port in Qingdao in eastern China's Shandong province in July.