Tracey Samuelson


Tracey Samuelson is a former senior reporter for Marketplace.

What was your first job?

Working in a bread store at the peak of the anti-carb movement.

What do you think is the hardest part of your job that no one knows?

Cramming all the interesting information I find reporting into a few minutes.

In your next life, what would your career be?

ER doctor.

Fill in the blank: Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you ______.

Lots of stuff from Amazon.

What’s your most memorable Marketplace moment?

That time I went to Hawaii ... on assignment.

Latest Stories (475)

Why banks are disappointed in the Fed

Sep 18, 2015
With revenues under pressure, commercial lenders had been hoping for a rate hike.

Here's why an interest-rate increase is inevitable

Sep 15, 2015
Sure, cheap money is great. But it can't last forever.

How does the Federal Reserve raise rates, anyway?

Sep 14, 2015
Getting banks and other lenders to fall in line isn't as easy as you might think.

Refugee crisis is bad in Europe, but worse elsewhere

Sep 11, 2015
Most of Syria's 4 million registered refugees are in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.

Employers shying away from hiring teens for the summer

Sep 7, 2015
With schools starting mid-August, how are seasonal employers keeping jobs filled?

A tale of two small business exporters

Sep 4, 2015
How much would the Trans-Pacific Partnership help these companies?

The merch is strong with this one

Sep 3, 2015
Disney's 'Force Friday' is a huge promotion for a 'Star Wars' movie 3 months away.
Model Dante Carver and YouTuber Einshine introduce three new types of Star Wars figures during a live YouTube event for "Force Friday" in Tokyo on Thursday.

Migrants vs. refugees, in economic terms

Sep 2, 2015
It's 'the difference between push and pull.'

The skies feel very friendly for airlines

Aug 31, 2015
Industry profits are at new highs, but passengers still feel so squeezed.

Ashley Madison user information leaks

Aug 19, 2015
The myth of privacy on the Web has been exploded once and for all.